- CollectionJDC - Jim Daschuk Collection
- 18 en plus...
- PièceJDC - 019 - General Correspondence Relating to the Investigation of Tuberculosis Among the Indians [Indigenous Peoples] Across Canada 1924-1928
- PièceJDC - 020 - Epidemiology, Diseases, Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis Among Indians [Indigenous Peoples]
- PièceJDC - 021 - Budget Memo, Grants Authorized for 1937-38 Fiscal Year
- PièceJDC - 022 - Minutes of a meeting of the Associate Committee on Tuberculosis, Grant Discussion, 1936
- PièceJDC - 023 - The Canadian Indians [Indigenous Peoples], 1947
- PièceJDC - 024 - Tuberculosis Services In Canada, Memorandum Number 11, General Series Research Division
- PièceJDC - 025 - Saskatchewan Leads Canada, North America, and the World in the Fight Against Tuberculosis
- PièceJDC - 026 - Tuberculosis Control in the Indian [Indigenous] Population in Canada
- PièceJDC - 027 - NRC Letter to Dr. Irvine
- 10 en plus...