- ArchiefSSP - Saskatoon StarPhoenix fonds
- ReeksSSP-3 - StarPhoenix Collection - Exhibition and Pion-Era Photographs
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- StukS-SP-B-29721 - Saskatchewan Government Telephones Float in the Travellers' Day Parade
- StukS-SP-B-29722 - The Demolay and Job's Daughters Float in the Travellers' Day Parade
- BestanddeelS-SP-B-29723 - SPCA Enters Float in the Travellers' Day Parade in Saskatoon
- StukS-SP-B-29724 - United Grain Growers Float at the Travellers' Day Parade
- StukS-SP-B-29725 - Saskatchewan Power Corporation Float in the Traveller's Day Parade
- StukS-SP-B-29726 - Travellers' Day Parade in Saskatoon
- BestanddeelS-SP-B-29727 - Grand Champion Aberdeen Angus Bull and Female at the Saskatoon Exhibition
- BestanddeelS-SP-B-29728 - Heavy Horse Judging at the Saskatoon Exhibition
- StukS-SP-B-29729 - Champion Lacombe Boar
- 273 more...