Collection FG 11 - Prairie Church History collection

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Prairie Church History collection

General material designation

Parallel title

Other title information

Title statements of responsibility

Title notes

  • Variations in title: Alternately identified as United Church of Canada Saskatchewan Conference, Saskatchewan and Prairie Church History sub-series (A.381.XI.F).

Level of description


Reference code

FG 11

Edition area

Edition statement

Edition statement of responsibility

Class of material specific details area

Statement of scale (cartographic)

Statement of projection (cartographic)

Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

Statement of scale (architectural)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Dates of creation area


  • ca.1925–1980 (Collection)
    Various collectors
  • 1873–1962 (Creation)
    Multiple creators

Physical description area

Physical description

14.8 cm of textual records

Publisher's series area

Title proper of publisher's series

Parallel titles of publisher's series

Other title information of publisher's series

Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

Numbering within publisher's series

Note on publisher's series

Archival description area

Custodial history

Records in this collection were likely transferred to the archives sometime between 1925 and 1982. Their original provenance is unclear but the finding aid (written ca.1986) notes that they may have been collected by E.H. Oliver (for his history of religion on the prairies), Dr. John L. Nichol (Superintendent for Home Missions), and various other individuals. Some of the contents may have initially been collected under the Presbyterian Synod of Saskatchewan, prior to 1925.

From 1925 through to 1982, the official repository for Conference, Presbytery and local records of the United Church in Saskatchewan was at St. Andrew’s College (Saskatoon). In 1982, the Conference signed an agreement to house their records with the Saskatchewan Archives Board (later Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan), while still retaining ownership and management responsibilities. The collections were gradually relocated and continue to be stored with the Provincial Archives, to the present day.

Scope and content

The collection consists of a range of documents relating to Congregational, Methodist, Presbyterian churches and related activities in Saskatchewan and elsewhere in the prairies.

Contents include histories, articles, addresses and other papers on: Congregationalism, Methodism, Presbyterianism in Saskatchewan; missionary work and communities in Prince Albert, Carrot River, Canora, and Norway House; Sunday Schools; C.G.I.T. and Y.W.C.A. groups; ministerial associations; Doukhobors; Ukranians; the Greek Orthodox Church; and Anglican Missions.

Authors include: Rev. W.P. McHaffie (Conference Historian and Archivist to Saskatchewan Methodist Conference); John MacLean (Chief Archivist, Wesley College Library, Winnipeg); Rev. Frederick Passmore; Rev. George Daniel; Rev. W.M. Moore; Rev. E.H. Oliver; Rev. J.R. McDonald; Rev. George Arthur; Allan Bowerman, J.L. Stewart; Alfred Carter; R.H. Hamilton; John L. Nichol; Lydia Gruchy; M. Stechinshin (Yorkton); John Roberts Kovalevitch; Rev. A.J. Hunter; Rev. P.C. Crath; E. Eustace and Maxim Berezynski; Dr. A.E. Archer (Lamont, Alberta); A. Bereka; Mrs. C.H. Monro (Ethelbert, Manitoba); Rev. John Gregorash; Rev. Theo Bay; Rev. J.A. Louseley.

Notes area

Physical condition

Immediate source of acquisition


Original order for many of these records is unclear, though notes suggest some were collected by Dr. John L. Nichol. Items listed under A.381.IX were arranged sometime before 1990.

Language of material

  • English

Script of material

  • Latin

Location of originals

Availability of other formats

Restrictions on access

Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

Use, publication, and/or reproduction of records are subject to the conditions of the Copyright Act. Please consult archivist for assistance.

Finding aids

GS-168 includes original file and series listings, in section A.381.XI.F.

Associated materials

Local church histories and biographical files also included in separate collections in the UCC Living Skies Region Archives. Related items also at the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan, including "History of Missions in Southern Saskatchewan" (1929) by Rev. Peter Strang (reference no. PI-701).


No further accruals are expected for this collection.

Alpha-numeric designations

Textual records: A.381.XI.F.1 to 29

Alternative identifier(s)

Standard number area

Standard number

Access points

Control area

Accession area