- FondoSSP - Saskatoon StarPhoenix fonds
- SériesSSP-1 - StarPhoenix Collection - General Photographs series
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- DossiêS-SP-B-6721 - Jim Fabian with horse and milk wagon.
- DossiêS-SP-B-6722 - Soroptimist International of Saskatoon tea
- DossiêS-SP-B-6723 - Canadian Federation of Newman Clubs executive
- DossiêS-SP-B-6724 - Model of Saskatchewan Power plant
- ItemS-SP-B-6725 - Polio clinic
- ItemS-SP-B-6726 - Gordon Skoglund recieves a photographic award
- DossiêS-SP-B-6727 - University registration
- DossiêS-SP-B-6728 - 100th anniversary of James Richardson and Sons Ltd.
- ItemS-SP-B-6729 - Flag dedication for Royal Canadian Air Force Association.
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