Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité
Titre propre
Kiwanis Club of Moose Jaw fonds
Dénomination générale des documents
- Multimédia
Titre parallèle
Compléments du titre
Mentions de responsabilité du titre
Notes du titre
Niveau de description
Zone de l'édition
Mention d'édition
Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition
Zone des précisions relatives à la catégorie de documents
Mention d'échelle (cartographique)
Mention de projection (cartographique)
Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)
Mention d'échelle (architecturale)
Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)
Zone des dates de production
Zone de description matérielle
Description matérielle
2.70 m of textual records.
851 photographs: 613 photographic slides; 154 colour photographs; 66 b&w photographs; 14 negatives; 4 photocopies.
1 print: poster.
52 objects.
16 audio cassette tapes.
Zone de la collection
Titre propre de la collection
Titres parallèles de la collection
Compléments du titre de la collection
Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection
Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection
Note sur la collection
Zone de la description archivistique
Nom du producteur
Histoire administrative
The Kiwanis Club of Moose Jaw was formed in 1919, and held its first club meeting on April 29 of that year. Its first officers were elected on May 20, 1919, and was chartered on November 25, 1919. One of the club’s founding members was well-known Moose Javian, H.L. Fysh.
The club later became incorporated on November 22, 1953, and certified under the Companies Act on December 8, 1955.
The club was designed to assist the community in different ways, such as in delivering christmas hampers, raising money to support children, hosting a student exchange program, and generally promoting kinship and community. One of the club’s first projects was the building of a swimming pool in the Moose Jaw Young Women’s Christian Association building. Other projects included donating $2000 to the construction of the Moose Jaw Civic centre, and sending parcels to soldiers during the Second World War.
Due to low membership, the Kiwanis Club of Moose Jaw disbanded, holding its last official meeting on June 16, 2015.
Historique de la conservation
Portée et contenu
This fonds contains the activities of the Kiwanis Club of Moose Jaw during its existence. The fonds is divided into 15 series: reports, minutes, membership, constitution and by-laws, administration, correspondence, distributables, activities and events, finances, ephemera, scrapbooks and news clippings, certificates, awards, and plaques, photographs, sound recordings, and artifacts.
Zone des notes
État de conservation
Source immédiate d'acquisition
This material was donated to the archives as accession 10.2018 by the Kiwanis Club of Moose Jaw on November 12, 2015.
Artificial order has been imposed.
Langue des documents
- anglais
Écriture des documents
Localisation des originaux
Disponibilité d'autres formats
Restrictions d'accès
MJ-246/3/1 Members Information - is subject to The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, c 24-e
MJ-246/3/2 Proposals for Membership - is subject to The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, c 24-e
MJ-246/3/4.002 – Residential Mailing List - is subject to The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, c 24-e
MJ-246/8/1.003 – Student Exchange Participants - is subject to The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, c 24-e
Délais d'utilisation, de reproduction et de publication
Instruments de recherche
Finding aid and file list are available. See attached finding aid.
Instrument de recherche téléversé
Éléments associés
Photographs 2018-219 to 2018-225 have been added to the main photograph collection.
Further accruals are not expected.
This fonds was foldered and boxed in 2018.
Location note
Boxes V-325 - V-345, H-144 - H-147, AV-1 - AV-2, S-1, OS-38, OS-42, A-5 - A-6