- FundoSSP - Saskatoon StarPhoenix fonds
- SérieSSP-3 - StarPhoenix Collection - Exhibition and Pion-Era Photographs
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- ItemS-SP-B-29694 - Champion Shropshire Ewe
- ItemS-SP-B-29695 - Champion Hereford Bull at the Saskatoon Exhibition
- ItemS-SP-B-29696 - Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull
- ItemS-SP-B-29697 - Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull
- ItemS-SP-B-29698 - Grand Champion Holstein
- ItemS-SP-B-29699 - Sheryl Campbell with a Shorthorn Heifer Wins Showmanship Trophy
- ItemS-SP-B-29700 - 4-H Club Members Show Off the Best in the Light Finished Steer Class
- ItemS-SP-B-29701 - Percheron Judging at the Saskatoon Exhibition
- ItemS-SP-B-29702 - The Old Red Barn Exhibit at the Saskatoon Exhibition
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