- FundoSSP - Saskatoon StarPhoenix fonds
- SérieSSP-1 - StarPhoenix Collection - General Photographs series
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- ItemS-SP-B-29118 - Citation presented to Saskatoon Kinsmen Club
- Dossiê/ProcessoS-SP-B-29119 - Pharmacy students at University of Saskatchewan
- ItemS-SP-B-2912 - B'nai B'rith giving blood to Canadian Red Cross Society
- ItemS-SP-B-29120 - Saskatoon Hilltops Football Club hands out awards
- Dossiê/ProcessoS-SP-B-29122 - Firemen on Scaffolding at Saskatoon Co-op
- Dossiê/ProcessoS-SP-B-29123 - Outstanding Athlete, Gail Daley
- Dossiê/ProcessoS-SP-B-29124 - New Library at Henry Kelsey School
- Dossiê/ProcessoS-SP-B-29125 - Charity Hockey
- Dossiê/ProcessoS-SP-B-29126 - Shrine Potentate's Ball
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