Reeks SCM-RG-0007-0002 - Elmwood Golf and Country Club

Title and statement of responsibility area


Elmwood Golf and Country Club

Algemene aanduiding van het materiaal

  • Textual record

Parallelle titel

Overige titelinformatie

Title statements of responsibility

Titel aantekeningen

  • Source of title proper: Title based on source




referentie code




Edition statement of responsibility

Class of material specific details area

Statement of scale (cartographic)

Statement of projection (cartographic)

Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

Statement of scale (architectural)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Datering archiefvorming


  • ? - 2003-10-14 (Beheer)
    Butz, Herb
    Swift Current (Sask.)
  • ? - 2003-10-14 (Beheer)
    Bainbridge, Ron
    Swift Current (Sask.)

Fysieke beschrijving

Fysieke beschrijving

ca. 15 cm of textual records

Publisher's series area

Title proper of publisher's series

Parallel titles of publisher's series

Other title information of publisher's series

Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

Numbering within publisher's series

Note on publisher's series

Archivistische beschrijving

Naam van de archiefvormer

(fl. 1926-1947)

Geschiedenis beheer

On 2003 October 14 the records were transferred to the Swift Current Museum.

Bereik en inhoud

The fonds, related to Elmwood Golf and Country Club, was accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-(in an envelope) a City of SC utility bill; McBride's Ltd. grocery store receipts from 1947; Licence To Hunt Game Birds 1946; Special Residence Licence To Hunt Cock Pheasants Only, 1946; Special Antelope Licence, 1946;

-notebook with a "Western Grain Company Limited" cover that has been used as a ledger, "1946 Ed. Tax Book" written on the cover
-ledger, property of Jim Borthwick of 637 1st Ave NE, the "received" ledger columns are gas, oil, tires and tubes, repair, grease, wash, accessories, antifreeze, etc., so perhaps he operated some kind of garage, the "paid out" include a variety of expenses including advertising, coal, general supplies, rent, etc. and occasional mentions of someone's name or "mother", 1926 - 1933 (A.2003.8.2)
-ledger, the names of local businesses are written on the corresponding alphabetical page at the beginning of the book, each business has one page that tracks their purchases near the beginning of the book, several pages tracking the sale or purchase of gas, oil and parts, likely pertaining to a local garage, the rest of the book is filled with payments and outgoing accounts, one page reads "I Owe Sonny / I Paid Sonny" along the top of the page, 1933 - 1944


Materiële staat

Directe bron van verwerving


No formal arrangement has been applied to the items in this fonds.

Taal van het materiaal

  • Engels

Schrift van het materiaal

  • Latijn

Plaats van originelen

Beschikbaarheid in andere opslagformaten

Restrictions on access

No restrictions on access.

Termen voor gebruik, reproductie en publicatie.

Use, reproduction, and/or publication of records are subject to the Copyright Act and the Terms and Conditions of the Swift Current Museum. Please consult the Swift Current Museum for further information.


Minimal fonds level description is listed in AtoM. Until fully appraised and arranged record lists are available through the Swift Current Museum.

Associated materials

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No further accruals are expected.

Alternative identifier(s)

Additional Identifier


Standard number area

Standaard nummer


Onderwerp trefwoord

Geografische trefwoorden

Naam ontsluitingsterm

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