- SCM-RG-0007-0002
- Series
- ? - 2003-10-14
Part of Herb Butz fonds
The fonds, related to Elmwood Golf and Country Club, was accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-(in an envelope) a City of SC utility bill; McBride's Ltd. grocery store receipts from 1947; Licence To Hunt Game Birds 1946; Special Residence Licence To Hunt Cock Pheasants Only, 1946; Special Antelope Licence, 1946;
-notebook with a "Western Grain Company Limited" cover that has been used as a ledger, "1946 Ed. Tax Book" written on the cover
-ledger, property of Jim Borthwick of 637 1st Ave NE, the "received" ledger columns are gas, oil, tires and tubes, repair, grease, wash, accessories, antifreeze, etc., so perhaps he operated some kind of garage, the "paid out" include a variety of expenses including advertising, coal, general supplies, rent, etc. and occasional mentions of someone's name or "mother", 1926 - 1933 (A.2003.8.2)
-ledger, the names of local businesses are written on the corresponding alphabetical page at the beginning of the book, each business has one page that tracks their purchases near the beginning of the book, several pages tracking the sale or purchase of gas, oil and parts, likely pertaining to a local garage, the rest of the book is filled with payments and outgoing accounts, one page reads "I Owe Sonny / I Paid Sonny" along the top of the page, 1933 - 1944