- FundoWHP - Wanuskewin Heritage Park fonds
- SérieS01 - Photographs
- Dossiê/ProcessoF14 - Construction of visitor centre
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- Item: 2022.004.015.07 - Person on hands and knees sweeping in storage room
- Item: 2022.004.015.08 - Archaeology lab under construction
- Item: 2022.004.015.09 - Truck and tracks made in snow outside entrance of visitor's centre
- Item: 2022.004.015.10 - Bison jump under construction
- Item: 2022.004.015.11 - Two people constructing elements of exhibition
- Item: 2022.004.015.12 - Person painting strata lines on exhibition panel
- Item: 2022.004.015.13 - Strata wall
- Item: 2022.004.015.14 - Person painting strata wall
- Item: 2022.004.015.15 - Two people sweeping
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