Archief MJ-001 - Wilson MacDonald Poetry Society fonds

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Wilson MacDonald Poetry Society fonds

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Titel aantekeningen

  • Source of title proper: The title is based on the content of the fonds. Some of the information was compiled from "Wilson MacDonald' s Western Tour" assembled by Stan Dragland and a short synopsis of the poet's style in "Leading Canadian Poets" by W. P. Percival.



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Datering archiefvorming


Fysieke beschrijving

Fysieke beschrijving

5.50 cm of textual records

Publisher's series area

Title proper of publisher's series

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Note on publisher's series

Archivistische beschrijving

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Wilson Pugsley MacDonald was the son of Alexander and Anna Marie (Pugsley) MacDonald, and born at Cheapside, Ontario on May 5, 1880. Educated at the public schools of Port Dover, at Woodstock College and at McMaster University. After graduating in 1902 he traveled to England, but returned to Canada as a bank clerk and was a advertising copywriter in the United States. He has made his home in Toronto, Ontario, but traveled greatly giving recital tours. During the time between 1923 and 1924 one of these recital tours took him to the western provinces. He married one Dorothy Ann Colomy of Vassalboro, Maine in [1935]. He died April 8, 1967.

MacDonald has written many poems, plays and a musical comedy, "In Sunny France." His poetry shows a marked versatility in theme and in treatment, but is unified by a quest for beauty. Titles of his books of poems include: "The Song of the Prairie Land" (1918, 1923); "The Miracle Songs of Jesus" (1921, 1923); "Out of the Wilderness" (1926); "Ode on the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation" (1927). Other works of his include: "Caw Caw Ballads" (1930); "A Flagon of Beauty" (1931); "Paul Marchand" (1933); "Song of the Undertow" (1935); "Comber Cove" (1937); "Greater Poems of the Bible" (1943); "The Way Out" (1947); and "The Lyric Year" (1952).

Geschiedenis beheer

All the material contained in this fonds, was collected by friend and Chairperson of the Moose Jaw branch of the Wilson MacDonald Poetry Society, Mrs. Angus Graham.

Bereik en inhoud

This fonds contains five series published articles, poems, original letters of the poet, various event programmes and a minute book from the Wilson MacDonald Poetry Society.


Materiële staat

Directe bron van verwerving

Accession Number: 1.BA donated to the archives by Mrs. Kathleen Graham Bamford.


Taal van het materiaal

  • Engels

Schrift van het materiaal

Plaats van originelen

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No restrictions on access.

Termen voor gebruik, reproductie en publicatie.


A file list and a box list are available.

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No further accruals are expected.


This fonds was re-foldered, re-boxed and a portion was encapsulated in 2000.

Location note

Boxes V-1, H-1, OS-1

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