Willsmer, Harry, 1864-1950

Zone d'identification

Type d'entité


Forme autorisée du nom

Willsmer, Harry, 1864-1950

forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom

Forme(s) du nom normalisée(s) selon d'autres conventions

Autre(s) forme(s) du nom

Numéro d'immatriculation des collectivités

Zone de description

Dates d’existence



Harry Willsmer was born in 1864 at Sturmer, Essex, England to William and Charlotte (Finch) Willsmer. Upon completion of his education, Willsmer held occupations including clerk, collector and farmer. He emigrated to Canada in April 1902 and settled briefly in Regina, North-West Territories (after September 1905, Saskatchewan). Between 1902 and 1906, he lived in various locations before settling permanently in Regina.

Willsmer was employed with the Government of Saskatchewan as its first chief clerk of the Department of Railways, Telegraphs and Telephones (ca. 1906-1913) and as an inspector of rural telephones with the Department of Telephones (ca. 1913-1917). He left the employ of the government briefly and was a representative for O'Hara & Co. bond brokers (ca. 1917). Subsequently, he was re-employed with the Government as an accountant with the Local Government Board, a position he held until his retirement in 1931. He was a founding member of the Saskatchewan Civil Service Association, and served as its first president in 1913.

Willsmer was active in several secret and benevolent societies. He was a past grand patron of the Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan, Order of the Eastern Star; a charter member of Floreat Lodge No. 64, I.O.O.F.; and held life membership to Wascana Lodge No. 2, A.F. & A.M.; Wascana chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Shepherds of Gabriel's White Shrine of Jerusalem; and the Scottish Rite. Among Willsmer's other hobbies were sketching, cartooning and illustrating, particularly on programmes, certificates, and greeting cards.

Harry Willsmer died in Regina on January 1, 1950. He was interred at Regina Cemetery.


Statut légal

Fonctions et activités

Textes de référence

Organisation interne/Généalogie

Contexte général

It is believed that Willsmer drew political cartoons using the pseudonym of "Kaleido" which were featured in Saskatchewan newspapers. These cartoons included depictions of the 1905 provincial election campaign, and the Walter Scott government.

Marriage records indicate that Willsmer married Emily Amelia Bird on November 8, 1890. The 1891 English census indicates that they were living together, however the 1901 records suggest that they were living apart. At the time of the 1911 census, Harry Willsmer had emigrated to Canada, yet Emily still resided in England and was occupied as a housekeeper. Death records suggest that Emily Willsmer died in England in 1944.

Zone des relations

Zone des points d'accès

Mots-clés - Sujets

Mots-clés - Lieux


Zone du contrôle

Identifiant de notice d'autorité

PA 547

Identifiant du service d'archives

Saskatchewan Archives Board

Règles et/ou conventions utilisées

Rules for Archival Description (RAD)


Niveau de détail

Dates de production, de révision et de suppression




AMICUS Authorities - no entry found.

Obituary published in Regina Leader-Post, January 3, 1950.

History of the Saskatchewan Government and General Employees' Union, entitled For Dignity, Equality and Justice by Doug Taylor

Consultation with Tim Novak, Archivist, Saskatchewan Archives Board

English census records, marriage records, death index and passenger lists via Ancestry.com.

Regina city directories

Notes de maintenance

  • Presse-papier

  • Exporter

  • EAC

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