Stuk IHM.2020.0298 - Who's Who of Indian Head

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Who's Who of Indian Head

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Datering archiefvorming


  • 1928 (Vervaardig)
    Tyson, Louisa
    Indian Head (Sask.)

Fysieke beschrijving

Fysieke beschrijving

2 cm of textual records

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Louisa (Cook) Tyson was the daughter of Bert and Florence Cook who came from England and lived at Indian Head. Louisa married Bert Tyson and they returned to England with her parents.

Geschiedenis beheer

Bereik en inhoud

A 19 cm X 28 cm 48-page scrapbook of laminated sheets held together by 2 rings and containing newspaper clippings about various residents of Indian Head. Book was made by Louisa Tyson before she moved to England. After her death in 2002 the scrapbook was sent to Beth Liggett who appears to the one who laminated it.


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Algemene aantekening

See Indian Head History Book p. 325. Louisa Tyson submitted a writeup about her family and ended with the paragraph: " I made a scrap book of Indian Head , 1928. The Indian Head News printed a photo and life history of the business people, mostly pioneers and I made them into my book. I wouldn't part with it for anything. All about people like E.J. Brooks, Dad Swift, Old Mr. Burrill, Angus Whittle, Wilsons (Millers), Holdens, etc. I was a news reporter for the News at the time of Phil Flude and they gave us the News for 2 years as a wedding present."

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