- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA - General Photos
- 242 en plus...
- PièceCORA-E-5.190 - Holy Trinity Serbian Church
- PièceCORA-E-5.215 - Greek Orthodox Church
- PièceCORA-E-5.252 - Broadway Theatre
- PièceCORA-E-6.145 - Jack McAra and friends at Wascana Park
- PièceCORA-E-6.176 - Wascana Park
- PièceCORA-E-6.76 - Bert Humphries in Victoria Park
- PièceCORA-E-6.77 - Rachel Humphries and companion at Wascana Park
- PièceCORA-E-6.88 - Men at Wascana Lake
- PièceCORA-E-7.11 - Yard in Germantown
- 14 en plus...