- FondsJGD/MG01 - John G. Diefenbaker fonds
- Série organiqueXVII. Photographs and Slides Series
- 6650 en plus...
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide1649 - Walk of Ages, Saskatoon outdoor event
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide1650 - Walk of Ages, Saskatoon outdoor event
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide1651 - Walk of Ages, Saskatoon outdoor event
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide166 - John Diefenbaker speaking at radar lab opening ceremony; Prince Albert
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide1652 - Walk of Ages, Saskatoon outdoor event
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide1653 - Walk of Ages, Saskatoon outdoor event
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide1654 - Walk of Ages, Saskatoon outdoor event
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide1655 - Walk of Ages, Saskatoon outdoor event
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide1656 - Walk of Ages, Saskatoon outdoor event
- 1471 en plus...