- FundoWHP - Wanuskewin Heritage Park fonds
- SérieS01 - Photographs
- Dossiê/ProcessoF04 - Official opening
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- Item: 2022.004.085.219 - Living in Harmony performers Duane Favel as Wesakechak with buffalo pack
- Item: 2022.004.085.220 - Living in Harmony performers as buffalo pack
- Item: 2022.004.085.221 - Living in Harmony performers as buffalo pack
- Item: 2022.004.085.222 - Distant view of Living in Harmony performers Markus Murphy as Deer and Shawna Gaudry as Eagle
- Item: 2022.004.085.223 - Volunteers in restaurant area
- Item: 2022.004.085.224 - Opening ceremonies committee members in restaurant
- Item: 2022.004.085.225 - Photographer taking pictures of Living in Harmony performance with audience in the background
- Item: 2022.004.085.226 - Distant view of Living in Harmony performance
- Item: 2022.004.085.227 - Distant view of Living in Harmony performance
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