Victoria Hospital (Regina, Sask.)

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Victoria Hospital (Regina, Sask.)

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identificadores para entidades coletivas

área de descrição

Datas de existência


In 1899, construction began on a new hospital for the residents of Regina, located on Hamilton Street south of 14th Avenue. Paid for by public subscriptions and a $1500 contribution from the Victorian Order of Nurses, the new 25-bed facility replaced the much smaller Cottage Hospital. The Victorian Hospital was completed in 1900 and officially opened in September 1901. A Board of Directors consisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Counsellors managed the Victoria Hospital. Six physicians and two dentists were appointed to the staff of 1901. In addition, a Matron was appointed to manage the care of patients and the facility, and to oversee the Training School for Nurses opened in 1902; and a Clerk was hired to keep the books of the Hospital, list the members of the Corporation, and manage supplies. In 1907, the Victoria Hospital was taken over by the Health and Relief Department of the City of Regina, and was renamed the Regina General Hospital. A larger facility was built shortly thereafter.


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