- FondsMG 146 - W.O. Kupsch fonds
- Série organiqueJ. Audio-Visual Materials
- 505 en plus...
- PièceWOK 4-69 - Oxidized till along joint planes
- PièceWOK 4-70 - Gully, 100 ft deep, cut recently by drainage ditch
- PièceWOK 4-71 - Linear ridges in outwash sand - N.E. of Lethbridge, AB
- PièceWOK 4-72 - Large erratic in depression. Driftwood Bend, Oldman River, AB
- PièceWOK 4-73 - Vertical and overturned sand and gravels.
- PièceWOK 4-74 - Small horseshoe shaped depression made by spring
- PièceWOK 4-75 - Spring area issuing from drift
- PièceWOK 4-76 - Horse shoe shaped end moraine - outwash area to left
- PièceWOK 4-77 - Toographic and bedrock high over Elbow subsurface structure
- 1791 en plus...