- FondsA1 - Seager Wheeler and Family fonds
- Série organiqueP1 - Photographs
- DossierP1.5 - Miscellaneous
- 74 en plus...
- Pièce2021-P-075 - Possibly Bergs Farm, Label Unclear
- Pièce2021-P-076 - Possibly Mr. P. Wichens Farm, Label Unclear
- Pièce2021-P-077 - Labeled- 10 Miles East of me 6 ____. Seymours Photo Finishing
- Pièce2021-P-078 - Seymours Photo Finishing
- Pièce2021-P-079 - Seymours Photo Finishing
- Pièce2021-P-080 - Farm South of Weyburn, SK
- Pièce2021-P-081 - Crop
- Pièce2021-P-082 - Labeled, South 3 Min Out of Cedoux
- Pièce2021-P-083 - Tractor in a Field
- 300 en plus...