- FondoA1 - Seager Wheeler and Family fonds
- SériesL1 - Letters
- Sub-sériesL1.1 - Institutions
- DossiêLF4 - Education
- 30 más...
- Item2021-L-368 - University of Manitoba (Feb 19)
- Item2021-L-374 - University of Manitoba, H.F. Roberts (Mar 28)
- Item2021-L-020 - University of Saskatchewan (June 6)
- Item2021-L-036 - University of Saskatchewan (Nov 7)
- Item2021-L-061 - University of Saskatchewan (Nov 8)
- Item2021-L-064 - University of Saskatchewan letter (Oct 24)
- Item2021-L-093 - University of Saskatchewan (Jan 27)
- Item2021-L-135 - University of Saskatchewan, John Bracken (Nov 15)
- Item2021-L-143 - University of Saskatchewan (Oct 15)
- 17 más...