Item A-7973 - Honourary Degrees - Addresses - John Stoik

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Honourary Degrees - Addresses - John Stoik

Tipo general de material

  • Graphic material

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Título notas

Nivel de descripción


Código de referencia


Área de edición

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Área de fechas de creación


  • Sept. 1984 (Criação)

Área de descripción física

Descripción física

1 photograph : b&w ; 12.3 x 9.6 cm

Área de series editoriales

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Área de descripción del archivo

Historial de custodia

Alcance y contenido

John Stoik, Gulf Canada Ltd. and honourary Doctor of Laws recipient, addresses the special 75th anniversary Convocation held in Centennial Auditorium.

Bio/Historical Note: John Lentis Stoik has born in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, where he completed his high school education. He entered the College of Engineering in 1937, but left at the beginning of World War II to serve with the RCAF. He resumed his education after the war and graduated in Chemical Engineering in 1947. After graduation Stoik joined what is now Gulf Canada an assistant chemist at the Moose Jaw refinery. After occupying positions of increasing responsibility in the refining department, he was named General Manager of Refining in 1965, and Vice-President of Refining in 1968. In 1971 Stoik was transferred to Seoul, South Korea, where he served three years as Executive Vice-president and Chief Executive Officer of the Korea Oil Corporation. Stoik returned to Gulf Canada Ltd. in 1974 and was named Senior Vice-president. In 1976 he was elected President, Chief Operating Officer and a Director, and in 1979 he was named Chief Executive Officer. Stoik was a director of the Toronto-Dominion Bank and the Canadian Executive Service Overseas. He was also a member of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) on Energy and Raw Materials to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He was also active in the University of Saskatchewan National Expansion Excellence Fund in 1969 as Corporations Chairman in Toronto. Stoik was a member of the Engineering Institute of Canada and the American Petroleum Institute. In 1980, he received honourary Doctor of Laws degrees from St. Francis Xavier University and from the University of Saskatchewan in 1984. Stoik died in 2003.

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Photographer: Phase Two Photo Supplies (John Waddington)

Other terms: Researcher responsible for obtaining permission

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