- FondsJGD/MG01 - John G. Diefenbaker fonds
- Série organiqueXVII. Photographs and Slides Series
- 7119 en plus...
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2080 - "The Chamber of the House of Lords"
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2081 - "The House of Commons"
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide209 - "Construction of the Diefenbaker Bridge"; Prince Albert
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2083 - "The Royal Gallery"
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2084 - "The Throne. Queen's Robing Room"
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2085 - "The Queen makes her Speech from the Throne"
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2086 - Eiffel Tower
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2087 - "Book-sellers & Notre-Dame"; Paris
- PièceJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2088 - "Tertre Square"; Paris
- 1002 en plus...