- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA-RPL - RPL - Prairie History Room
- 117 en plus...
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-487 - St. Matthew's Anglican Church in Regina
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-5 - Forget Home
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-506 - Ukrainian Orthodox Church
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-582 - Serbian Orthodox Church, Regina
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-65 - The Scarth Street Mall
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-726 - "Normal School Regina, Saskatchewan"
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-742 - Territorial Administration Buildings
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-743 - Territorial Administration Buildings
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-744 - Government House, Regina
- 103 en plus...