Item YJ0071 - The Relief of Mafeking celebration

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The Relief of Mafeking celebration

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Zona de datas de criação


  • 1900 (Produção)
    Yorkton (Sask.)

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Descrição física

1 photograph ; b&w : 11 x 24.5 cm

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Parade celebrating the “Relief of Mafeking”, South African war, lined up in front of the Old Manitoba and North Western Railway round house

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Nota geral

This old picture was taken in May 1900 when a parade celebrating the “Relief of Mafeking”, South African war, has lined up in front of the Old Manitoba and North Western RY. Round house (on site now occupied by C. P. Express Co.). To the right in picture may be seen Betts old Livery stable on corner of 1st and Broadway. The building seen back of round house was occupied by the late Carl Erickson as dwelling and monumental works, whereas at the extreme rear will be seen Mitchell’s Air Motor (where now stands the Blackstone Hotel). The old Air Motor was a very familiar sight to old timers.
This picture of particular interest as it shows Yorkton’s first Band, under the leadership of J. S. Smith (former manager H.B.C. Yorkton and now of Duncan B.C.), at one of its first Public appearances, if indeed not the first. Members of the band are standing and seated on John Renderknecht’s horse drawn dray and are easily recognized by old timers as follows:-
Back Row, standing, left to right:- Tom. Bateman, J. C. Markham Mark Hall (a barber of that day), Henry Markham, A. J. Haight and Neld Norsten.
Front Row, seated, 1. To r. Theodore Rondo, Fred Bull, J. S. Smith (Bandmaster), Frank Betts, John Janneson and Thos Paul. John Renderkneckt will be seen at the very front of dray, holding his team of horses.
A number of Yorkton citizens of the day may be recognized in this picture to wit:- Third from left Wm. Kilborn, the next one W. M. Porter (now of Foa Lake) – W. R. Parsons – Mrs Parsons – Mrs Ashdown – Alf Ashdoon – Rev. Mr Stead ( Methodist minister) – J. A. Gregory (then Principal Victoria school and now M. P. Battleford. Further on may be seen the late Frd Klemm. Constable Junget, N. W. M. P. on horseback can be seen at the back and right up against the lean –to of round house and just in front of him are grouped Mrs Jim Crerar (afterwards Mrs C. M. Abbott) – Wm. Duncan- J. A. M. Patrick (then teacher at Victoria school) – John Bull – Mrs H. J. Langstaff (part of head and hat only visible) and Mrs H.R. Nepveu.
Among the children of that day in front of picture the writer recognizes the following:-
Carrie Paul (in front of Mrs. Ashdown) – next to her but one Gertrude Patrick and towards right of picture Mabel Patrick, Ada McFrline, Hilda Eby (with arm around her smaller brother Arthur), Nellie Hopkins, Maggie Paul and back of her Gertie McFarline, Lilly Christie, Cora Nepvue, and Mabel Langstaff.
It is worth noting that at this time (July 1944) of the grown ups in this picture only two are still residing in Yorkton namely Mr. and Mrs W. R. Parsons.

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