- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA-RPL - RPL - Prairie History Room
- 182 en plus...
- PièceCORA-RPL-B-39 - Territorial Administration Building
- PièceCORA-RPL-B-390 - Bird's eye view of Regina downtown core
- PièceCORA-RPL-B-392 - Rioters Converging on an Injured Man
- PièceCORA-RPL-B-393 - Chaos During the Regina Riot
- PièceCORA-RPL-B-395 - The Leader Building
- PièceCORA-RPL-B-397 - Scarth Street looking south
- PièceCORA-RPL-B-398 - The last wagon train
- PièceCORA-RPL-B-4 - Cast of "The Toreador"
- PièceCORA-RPL-B-40 - Victoria Park looking north towards McCallum Hill Building
- 38 en plus...