- ColeçãoYJ - Howard Jackson Collection
- Série2 - Album2(Preliminar)
- 32 mais...
- ItemYJ0224 - Looking north-east across fourth Avenue and Smith Street
- ItemYJ0226 - Land title office and Town hall
- ItemYJ0230 - Logan and Black Planing Mill
- ItemYJ0231 - Home of Levi Beck
- ItemYJ0236 - The farmers' Trading Co.
- ItemYJ240 - Retail implement warehouse of J. A. Duncan
- ItemYJ0242 - Western Grocers Warehouse
- ItemYJ0244 - Canadian Bank of Commerce and Hudson's Bay buildings
- ItemYJ0245 - Crescent Creamery building, Codville & Co., Ltd. Warehouse, and Saskatchewan Co-Operative Creamery building
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