Área de identidad
Tipo de entidad
Entidade coletiva
Forma autorizada del nombre
Swift Current Royal Purple Lodge Number 93
Forma(s) paralela(s) de nombre
Forma(s) normalizada del nombre, de acuerdo a otras reglas
Otra(s) forma(s) de nombre
- Swift Current Royal Purple
Identificadores para instituciones
Área de descripción
Fechas de existencia
The Swift Current Royal Purple Lodge Number 93 existed from 1949-2014. The Royal Purple's were the ladies auxiliary for the Elks of Canada. The Royal Purple's work in tandem with the bother Elks to support local, national, and international charities. The Swift Current Lodge supported the purchase and set up of Christmas lights in memorial park. The supported Speech and hearing programs, D.A.R.E, social events at the Palliser Regional Care Centre, as well as support for the local Saskatchewan Abilities Centre, in addition to the various national and international charities supported by the Elks and Royal Purples on a national level. Their mission statement was: A Nation fraternal and charitable organization promoting and supporting community needs through volunteer efforts of local lodges "We do adhere to the principles of justice, charity, love and fidelity to the best of our ability."
The Swift Current Lodge Number 93 dissolved in 2014 at which point there was a shifting and changing of the organization at the national level.
Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada
Estatuto jurídico
Funciones, ocupaciones y actividades
Mandatos/fuentes de autoridad
Estructura/genealogía interna
Contexto general
Área de relaciones
Área de puntos de acceso
Puntos de acceso por materia
Puntos de acceso por lugar
Área de control
Identificador de registro de autoridad
Maintained by
Identificador de la institución
Swift Current Museum
Reglas y/o convenciones usadas
Estado de elaboración
Nivel de detalle
Fechas de creación, revisión o eliminación
2017/11/01 - Creation
Revised September 2018 by Leesha Cowan
- inglés
- latín
Notas de mantención
Created by William Shepherd (Collections Officer, Swift Current Museum).
Maintenance is the responsibility of the Collections Officer, Swift Current Museum.