Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
Swift Current Multicultural Council fonds
General material designation
- Graphic material
- Textual record
Parallel title
Other title information
Title statements of responsibility
Title notes
- Source of title proper: Title based on source
Level of description
Reference code
Edition area
Edition statement
Edition statement of responsibility
Class of material specific details area
Statement of scale (cartographic)
Statement of projection (cartographic)
Statement of coordinates (cartographic)
Statement of scale (architectural)
Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)
Dates of creation area
Physical description area
Physical description
ca. 3 m of textual records and assorted ephemera (newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, pamphlets, brochures, programs, newsletters, magazines)
approximately 1,343 photographs
Publisher's series area
Title proper of publisher's series
Parallel titles of publisher's series
Other title information of publisher's series
Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series
Numbering within publisher's series
Note on publisher's series
Archival description area
Name of creator
Custodial history
On June 25, 1997 the records were transferred to the Swift Current Museum.
Scope and content
The fonds, related to the Swift Current Multicultural Council, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Series 1: Albums and photographs
Dates: ca. 1977 - ca. 1995
Extent: 835 photos. --21 volumes containing newspaper clippings, photographs, etc. --1 folder. --5 envelopes
Scope and content: series contains mostly albums containing photographs and newspaper clippings that documents the activities of the Swift Current Multicultural Council (SCMC) from ca. 1977 to ca. 1995.
Box 1. Volume 1: Album, 1987-1988 (mainly clipping and photographs)
- 1988 Board of Directors: Stephanie Fielding, Susan Kent, Diana Ciona, Barb Dedi, Vesta Broste, Peter Beskowiney, George Kushner, Bix Biederbeck
2-4. individuals at a "Formulating Goals & Objectives" workshop, January 13, 1988 - "Performers Workshop", January 23, 1988, Betty McDougall, George Kushner, Twyla Kluk, Taralee Wotypka, Carol Gay Bell, John Poettcker, Stephanie Fielding
- individuals at "Performers Workshop", January 23, 1988
- Maureen Parsons and Pete Godfrey at a workshop, February 15, 1988
8-12. Bix Biederbeck, George Kusher and Boh Ciona with winners of an essay contest, Allison McDougall, Melissa Cameron, Sonya Sharma, and Ryan McDougall
9-22. individuals at a Bread Making and Wheat Weaving workshop, March 1988
23-26. wine and cheese party for all council members, March 18, 1988 - The Tipperary Band at the 1988 Folkorama Festival
- The Concordia Alpine Tanzers at the 1988 Folkorama Festival
- folk performers at the 1988 Folkorama Festival
30-31. Individuals planning Folkorama 1988 - unidentified woman speaking at Folkorama 1988
- alderman Stan Horner speaking at Folkorama 1988
- unidentified woman (Bobbie?) speaking at Folkorama 1988
- Geoff Wilson speaking at Folkorama 1988
- individuals at Folkorama 1988
- George Kushner speaking at Folkorama 1988
38-45. individuals performing at Folkorama 1988 - spectators at Folkorama 1988
- men cutting a log at Folkorama 1988
- spectators at Folkorama 1988
- Aboriginal Dancer at Folkorama 1988
- spectators at Folkorama 1988
- two unidentified women in a house
- Irish performers at Folkorama 1988
53-59. individuals at a party, including George Kushner and Bix Biederbeck
Box 1. Volume 2: Album, June to November 1988 (mainly clippings and photographs)
60-63. Organizing meeting of the German group, June 14, 1988
- women at a Folk Art workshop, July 1988, Winona Hanover, Kay Godenin, Alvera Caswell, Jane McIntyre, and Stephanie Fielding
- Scottish dancers
66-67. some individuals at a table displaying bread and wheat, including Diana Ciona
68-71. individuals at a Heritage Language Workshop, including Bix Beiderbeck
72-78. individuals at a workshop in Begg School
79-83. individuals at a Ukrainian Dancing workshop in the Begg School auditorium
84-85. individuals in the school library at Begg School, including Diana Ciona
Box 1. Volume 3: Album, May - September 1989, (mainly clippings and photographs)
86-95. folk dancers performing at Folkorama 1989, May 14, 1989
96-98. Regina Canadian Chinese Dancers at Folkorama 1989
99-103. Chaban Ukrainian Dancers at Folkorama 1989
104-115. folk dancers performing at Folkorama 1989
- Folkorama 1989, good view of the venue and the crowd
117-119. Multicultural Day meeting with Paul Rezanzoff - Master of Ceremonies Babe Nichol
- piper Grant McCrie
122-123. Green Braes Highland Dancers
124-125. Alex Weinbender from Morse, SK playing the accordion and xylophone - Marcel Lavediere playing the guitar
- Green Braes Highland Dancers
128-131. Suslik Ukrainian Dancers
Box 1. Volume 4: Album, December 1988 - May 1989 (mainly clippings and photographs)
- members of the council, including Pete Godfrey and George Kushner
133-134. painted Ukrainian Easter egg - Bix Beiderbeck at a Community Development Luncheon, March 1989
- Betty McDougall at a Community Development Luncheon, March 1989
- Marge Nainaar at a Community Development Luncheon, March 1989
- Gord Zakreski at a Community Development Luncheon, March 1989
- Dr. Bill Prentice at a Community Development Luncheon, March 1989
- Mayor Len Stein signing a proclamation for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Len Stein, George Kushner, Susan Majeran, and Barb Dedi
141-146. Lifestyles Show in Regina, April 1989 - George Kushner shaking the hand of an unidentified woman
148-151. Folkorama 1989 venue - individuals in folk costumes for Folkorama 1989
- Dancers at Folkorama 1989
154-159. individuals speaking at Folkorama 1989
160-173. various display tables at Folkorama 1989
174-179. performers at Folkorama 1989
Box 1. Volume 5: Album, September 1992 - September 1993 (all newspaper clippings, re: SCMC people and events)
Box 1. Volume 6: Album, 1991 - 1993 (mainly clippings and photographs)
180-182. International Tea at the Swift Current Mall, 1991, including Diana Ciona
- Business After Hours, May 1991
184-193. Volunteer Appreciation party, June 1991
194-195. staff orientation, December 1991 - Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day, Swift Current Mall, March 21, 1992
197-219. National Citizenship Week opening ceremonies, Wheatland Mall, April 1992, including Mayor Len Stein, RCMP officers, school children, a school band
220-228. National Citizenship Week displays, Wheatland Mall, April 1992,
229-238. National Citizenship Week luncheon at Boston Pizza, April 1992 - Alf Bryan in Coles bookstore, holding up his book "I May Be Wrong But", April 1992
240-244. National Citizenship Week South West Ukrainian Cultural Council bread making, April 1992
245-247. Swift Current Multicultural Council display
248-253. Citizenship Court Reception, May 28 1992
254-256. new Canadian citizens on the steps of the Courthouse, May 28, 1992
257-268. general meeting and family potluck social, June 10, 1992
269-271. Canada Day celebration on Chinook Parkway, July 1, 1992
272-275. Robert Smith's farewell party, September 9, 1992 - Art Wallman, citizen of the year, 1992
277-286. Multicultural Mosaic event, October 29, 1992
287-289. Cultural Diversity Luncheon, November 19, 1992
290-291. Cultural Diversity program in a classroom, November 19, 1993
292-297. Annual General Meeting & Potluck Supper, November 20, 1992
298-303. Cultural Diversity event in a classroom, March 1993
304-306. presentation with prose, poetry and poster winners in a school gym, March 16, 1993
307-309. commemorative medal presentation with Sylvia Fedoruk, March 22, 1993
310-313. International Tea & Bake Sale, March 17, 1993
314-317. Citizenship Court, April 14, 1993
318-329. individuals at a networking luncheon, April 14, 1993
Box 1. Volume 7: Album, October 1993 - April 1994 (mostly newspaper clippings, re: SCMC, people and event)
Box 1. Volume 8: Album, April 1994 - November 1994 (mostly newspaper, clippings re: SCMC, people and events)
Box 1. Volume 9: Album, January 1994 - June 1, 1994 (mostly newspaper clippings, re: SCMC, people and events)
Box 1. Volume 10: Album, January 1, 1995 - December 17, 1995 (mostly newspaper clippings, re: SCMC, people and events)
Box 1. Volume 11: Album, January 22, 1996 - June 18, 1997 (mostly newspaper clippings, re: SCMC, people and events)
(Box 2)
Box. 2. Volume 1: Album, March 1985 (mainly clippings and photographs; signed by Stephanie Fielding on the inside front cover)
- unidentified man, perhaps Cy MacDonald, associated with Saskatchewan Heritage '85
331-332. adult education at the High School
333-349. individuals at a Heritage Language Teachers Immersion Workshop, March 1985, in Saskatoon, captions contain some descriptions of activities - Zia Afsar being presented with a certificate by Lucia Papini, at Heritage Language Teachers Immersion Workshop, March 1985, in Saskatoon
351-354. individuals at a Heritage Language Teachers Immersion Workshop, March 1985, in Saskatoon, captions contain some descriptions of activities - Dr. Tony Harras, chairperson for the Saskatchewan Organization for Heritage Languages steering committee
- Jack Kehoe, Kathy Fielding Holdfast and Erica Cancino at a workshop
357-366. individuals at a multicultural workshop at Elmwood Education Centre, with guest speaker Jack Kehoe
Box 2. Volume 2: October 1989 - March 1990 (mainly clippings and photographs)
367-368. Muff Jensen giving a presentation on a trip to the Far East, October 4, 1989
- new Canadian Rajesh Khosla and a judge shaking hands in citizenship court, October 1989
370-374. Citizenship Court, October 25, 1989 - Nominations Chair Cathy Kettler at a SCMC annual meeting, January 19, 1990
- Incoming Presient Barb Dedi at a SCMC annual meeting, January 19, 1990
- George Kusher and Bard Dedi at a SCMC annual meeting, January 19, 1990
- SCMC executive and coordinator, 1990, Stephanie Fielding, Cathy Kettler, Peter Beskowiney, Olga Hall, Babe Nichol, Betty McDougall, George Kushner, Barb Dedi, Rajesh Khosia and Muff Jensen
- Greek display in Swift Current Mall, International Tea, March 1990
- Ukrainian Easter Egg painting demonstration in Swift Current Mall, with George Kushner, International Tea, March 1990
381-382. Ukrainian dancing demonstration in Swift Current Mall, International Tea, March 1990
383-385. Newsletter workshop, including Pete Godfrey
Box 2. Volume 3: Album, April 1990 - April 1991 (mainly clippings and photographs)
- Stephanie Fielding and Babe Nichol at an After Hours display
387-395. SCMC Executive Meeting, April 28, 1990, including Bix Beiderbeck, Diana Ciona, George Kushner
396-397. members of a Youth Group at SCMC Executive Meeting - SCMC Executive Meeting participants, including Christine, Boh and Diana Ciona, George Kushner, Bix Beiderbeck, others
- two unidentified young men performing a Multicultural Rap at the SCMC Executive Meeting
- Ukrainian language class at the SCMC Executive Meeting
- Arabic language class at the SCMC Executive Meeting
- Suslik Ukrainian Dancers at the SCMC Executive Meeting
- Youth Group representatives at the SCMC Executive Meeting
404-410. speakers at a SCMC General Meeting, May 2, 1990 (?)
411-413. diners at a SCMC General Meeting, May 2, 1990 (?) - three unidentified individuals in an office
- three unidentified individuals in an office
- Bob Mitchell and Boh Ciona at a SCMC Open House
- Gulf War panel speakers Sgt. Ron Ferguson, Rev. Duncan McLean, and Mohammad Afsar
418-419. Secretary of State Bob Friedrich visiting SCMC
420-434. International Tea in the Swift Current Mall, March 21, 1991, includes food, crafts, high school band, various displays, etc.
Box 2. Volume 4: Album, April 22, 1991 - August 31, 1992 (all newspaper clippings pertaining to SCMC events, people, etc.)
Box 2. Volume 5: Album, May 2, 1994 - July 10, 1994 (all newspaper clippings pertaining to SCMC events, people, etc)
Box 3. Volume 1: Scrapbook, "Swift Current Multicultural Council/Our Heritage", 1975-1979 (mostly newspaper clippings pertaining to SCMC events)
Box 3. Volume 2: Album, 1977 - 1980 (mainly clippings and photographs)
- Kiwanis Green Braes Pipe Band, Folklorama 1980
- Chinese Quartet, Folklorama 1980
- Square Dancers, Folklorama 1980
- Choir, Folklorama 1980
- Choir, Folklorama 1980
440-443. bagpipers, folk dancers, speaker at Folklorama 1980
444-448. bagpipers, singers in folk costumes, crowd at Folklorama 1980 - individual playing a trumpet (?) at Folklorama 1980
450-451. Norwegian, Scottish, French and Ukrainian tables at Folklorama 1980
452-454. Chinese, Arabic, Mennonite, Norwegian and Scottish tables at Folklorama 1980 - a woman spinning on a spinning wheel at Folklorama 1980
- Scottish table at Folklorama 1980
- French and Ukrainian display at Folklorama 1980
- Scottish display at Folklorama 1980
- Indian display at Folklorama 1980
- Ukrainian (?) display at Folklorama 1980
461-465. Norwegian, Indian and Square Dancing displays and dancing demonstrations at Folklorama 1980 - Greek display at Folklorama 1980
467-470. Chinese, Indian, Greek and Square Dancing demonstrations at Folklorama 1980
471-475. German, Greek and Scottish dance demonstration, a choir, Mayor Len Stein at Folklorama 1980
476-480. Greek dancing demonstration and choir, two Indian children performing at Folklorama 1980
481-485. Greek, Chinese and Indian dancing demonstrations, a young boy playing the trumpet, at Folklorama 1980
486-489. calligraphy, Chinese and Greek dancing demonstrations at Folklorama 1980
490-492. Chinese, Ukrainian (?), and Indian dancing demonstration at Folklorama 1980
493-496. Greek and Indian dancing demonstration, a Chinese Quartet, and a choir at Folklorama 1980 - German dancing demonstration at Folklorama 1980
- a children's choir, all children are holding puppets
- two singers, Marcel Vigueras and Joyce Oleson, onstage at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- a children's choir, Les Gais Gravelbourgeius, performing at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- Old Time Fiddlers performing at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- Len Enns, emcee for Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- singer Joyce Oleson, performing at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- Ukrainian dancers performing at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- a Norwegian choir performing at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- Ukrainian dance troupe that performed at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- a choir performing at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- Scottish dancers performing at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- Ukrainian dancers performing at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- Ukrainian dancers performing at the Folk Festival in 1977, Kathy Fielding, Marilyn Mudry, Gail Kruger, Carol Wedharm, Connie Konanz
- Folk dancers performing at the Folk Festival in 1977
- Square Dancers performing at the Folk Festival in 1977
- singer Marcel Vigueras performing at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- children performing at Folk Festival'79 at the Comp High School
- Kiwanis Scottish Green Brae Band performing at the Folk Festival in 1977
Box 3. Volume 3: Album, 1981 (mainly clippings and photographs)
- Len Enns, emcee at Folklorama'81
517-518. two speakers at Folklorama'81
519-520. Mass Choir at Folklorama'81 - Co-operative Pre-School French Immersion school choir at Folklorama'81
- St. Patrick School's Grade 8 choir at Folklorama'81
- Ukrainian dancers performing at Folklorama'81
- Ukrainian (?) dancers performing at Folklorama'81
- Chilean dancers performing at Folklorama'81
- East Indian dancers performing at Folklorama'81
527-528. Hellenic dancers performing at Folklorama'81 - Scottish dancers performing at Folklorama'81
- Square dancers performing at Folklorama'81
531-532. Old Time Fiddlers performing at Folklorama'81 - Chilean singers performing at Folklorama'81
- Arabic dancer performing at Folklorama'81
535-536. Norwegian singers performing at Folklorama'81
537-538. individuals getting food at Folklorama'81 - French culture display at Folklorama'81
- Ukrainian culture display at Folklorama'81
- Chinese Society display at Folklorama'81
- Laotian culture display at Folklorama'81
- Old Time Fiddlers display at Folklorama'81
- Allied Arts Council display at Folklorama'81
- Arabic Cultural Association display at Folklorama'81
- audience at Folklorama'81
- Indian culture display at Folklorama'81
- Greek culture display at Folklorama'81
- Square Dancing display at Folklorama'81
550-554. images from Moose Jaw Multicultural Council's Motif festival, 1981, including Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian tables
555-556. Canada Day cake given to residents of Palliser Hospital by the Swift Current School of Dance
Box 3. Volume 4: Album, 1990 - 1993 (mainly clippings and photographs)
- International Tea in the Swift Current Mall, Dorian Smith with St. George's Society
- International Tea in the Swift Current Mall, St. George's Society table
- International Tea in the Swift Current Mall, Raymond Yan at the SCMC display table
- International Tea in the Swift Current Mall, tea gardens
- International Tea in the Swift Current Mall, Ukrainian display table
- International Tea in the Swift Current Mall, Labhu Parmar at an Indian food table
- International Tea in the Swift Currernt Mall, Boh Ciona at a Ukrainian egg painting table
- International Tea in the Swift Current Mall, Patti Gatzke at a Ukrainian display table
- essay winners at 4th Annual Networking Luncheon, Shelby Erne, Patti-Lynne Clerc and Scott Doidge, with Joan Smith, 1992
- Networking Luncheon, 1992
- International Tea in the Swift Current Mall, Labhu Parmar at an Indian food table
- Dr. Torr and Stephanie Fielding at a Networking Luncheon, 1992
- Youth Group membership drive and social, Swift Current Library, 1990
- essay winner Scott Doidge at 4th Annual Networking Luncheon, 1992
- individuals at Citizenship Court, 1990
- Bob Mitchell (Secretary of State) receiving artwork upon his retirement from Stephanie Fielding, 'After the Storm' by Bernie Brown, at membership drive social
- Citizenship Court, 1990
- Citizenship Court, 1990, Zia Afsar, Linda Hosnung, Stephanie Fielding, and Raymond Yan
- Bob Mitchell being presented with a gift by Boh Ciona upon his retirement, membership drive, 1990
- Bob Mitchell (Secretary of State) receiving artwork upon his retirement from Stephanie Fielding, 'After the Storm' by Bernie Brown, at membership drive social, 1990
- Citizenship Court, 1990
- membership drive, 1990, Ukrainian welcome dance
579-581. Citizenship Court, 1990 - Citizenship Court, 1990, Holly Sopeunyck, Mr. and Mrs. Koshla (new Canadians), Pat Smith MLA, Ray Koshla, Irene Curtain
- young people working on a Multicultural Mosaic project at the home of Sue Stepphun
- cake at Robert Smith's farewell party, September 1992
- young people working on a Multicultural Mosaic project at the home of Ragnhild Cory, October 1990
- young people working on a Multicultural Mosaic project at the home of Bix Beiderbeck
- two unidentified women at National Citizenship Week 1992
- SCMC's table at Canada Day, 1992
589-591. SCMC's table at Canada Day, 1992 (3) - cake at Robert Smith's farewell party, September 1992
- Joan Meyer National Award ceremony, 1992
- International Tea, March 17, 1993
- Joan Meyer National Award ceremony, 1993
- International Tea, March 17, 1993
- Cultural Diversity lesson in a classroom, Mr. Wang, 1993
- International Tea, March 17, 1993
599-600. Cultural Diversity lesson in a classroom, Mr. Wang, 1993
601-606. Cultural Diversity lesson in a classroom, Mrs. Zanidean, 1993
607-611. SCMC Christmas display, 1992
612-615. young people participating in the Multicultural Mosaic project, October 1992
616-617. Cultural Diversity lesson in a classroom, November 1992 - SCMC Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.), November 1992
- Cultural Diversity lesson in a classroom, November 1992
- SCMC A.G.M., November 1992
- Cultural Diversity lesson in a classroom, November 1992
Box 3. Volume 5: Album, 1982 - 1985 (mainly clippings and photographs)
- a young man looking at a French display table, 1982, Folklorama'82
- Jim Ginter in a store, along with a Chinese family, sign reads "Multiculturalism Is People"
- Folk dancers performing on a dance floor at a dinner
- four unidentified individuals dancing, unsure of the location
- Ukrainian dancing at the SCMC A.G.M., 1981
- Ukrainian dancing at the Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- Scottish Green Braes display table at the Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- Folk Dancing at the Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- Caribbean dancers at an unidentified location
631-633. Canadian Heritage Festival, Manitoba, 1982 - Folk Dancing (Greek?) at the Swift Currernt Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- Greek table display at the Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- individuals at a banquet
- Scottish Dancing at the Swift Currrent Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- Folk Dancing at an unidentified location
- panel at the Godfrey Dean Centre in Yorkton, Stephanie Fielding, Marguerite Gallaway, Tony Harras, Jane Turnbull, M. Kreluik. June 5, 1982
- Canadian Heritage Festival, 1980, Ukrainian Dancers from Saskatchewan
- a man speaking at the Winnipeg Convention Centre
- individuals in folk dancing costumes receiving instructions
- East Indian display at the Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- individuals practicing folk dancing
- Green Braes Highland Dancers performing at a Multicultural Festival (perhaps not in Swift Current, SK)
- Creeland Cloggers performing at a Multicultural Festival (perhaps not in Swift Current, SK)
- Les Danseurs de la Riviere La Vielle performing at a Multicultural Festival (perhaps not in Swift Current, SK)
- Immigrant women of Saskatchewan performing at a Multicultural Festival (perhaps not in Swift Current, SK)
- Ukrainian Dancers performing at a Multicultural Festival (perhaps not in Swift Current, SK)
- two unidentified people dancing at an unknown location
- Canadian Heritage Festival in Selkirk Manitoba, July 1982, rehearsal for "Princess Anne Show" by Balaton Hungarian Dancers
- Swift Current Multicultural Council 1983 Executive, Lawrence Achtemichuk, Manal Soliman, Roberta Baker, Rita Forget, Stephanie Fielding, Jules Lambert, Toshi Verma, Robert Smith, and Pearl Hodges (Philip Gee missing)
- belly-dancer performing for the Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- Karen MacBean, Miss Teen Canada 1984
- Folk Dancers in white gowns and plaid scarves, performing at Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- Ukrainian display table at Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- Scottish Dancers performing at Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- Folk Dancers (Greek?) performing a Festival, perhaps Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- individuals speaking at the Winnipeg Convention Centre
- individuals at a banquet, unknown location
- Polonia Dance Ensemble performing "Lubelski", 1978, location unknown
- Indian Dancers from Regina performing at the Canadian Heritage Festival in Brandon, MB, 1982
- Eminesco Roumanian Dancers in Regina, SK
- a choir wearing folk costumes, an unidentified location
- folk dancers performing at an unidentified location
- a choir performing at Folklorama'81 in Swift Current, SK
- unidentified dancers at an unknown location
- Folk Dancers performing at Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- audience at Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- scene from the Grand Entry of a Pow Wow
- Arabic table display at Swift Current Centennial Celebration in 1982 (Folklorama'82)
- Chinese folk dancers at an unidentified location
673-676. unidentified people at an undetermined meeting
677-698. unidentified people at an undetermined Multiculturalism meeting/banquet - Dr. Jack Kehoe, Kathy Fielding and Erica Cansino at an Education Workshop, January 26, 1985
- SCMC receives Intercultural Communications grant, George Hall, Toshi Verma and Geoff Wilson MP, November 3, 1984
- Dr. G, Richert, Heritage Language Hearing, February 5, 1985, at the High School
- Education Workshop, January 26, 1985
- Rajesh Khosla, Swift Current candidate for Focus 85, Banff Alberta
- cutting a cake for Canada Day
705-708. unidentified individuals at an undetermined meeting - individuals getting food at Folklorama'84
710-712. Folk Dancers, Arabic, Ukrainian (?), Indian, at Folklorama'84 - Square Dancing at Folklorama'84
- the audience at Folklorama'84
- Scottish Dancing at Folklorama'84
- Miss Teen Canada, Karen MacBean, at Folklorma'84
- individuals getting food at Folklorama'84
- SCMC at Folklorama'84, including George Kushner
Box 3. Folder ("Current Pamphlets & Brochures")
- a man looking at a map of Ireland in a classroom
720-721. unidentified man at a microphone - one older woman and two younger women holding books, about the House of Common and Citizenship
- a man writing Chinese characters on a chalk board
- a classroom of children, a teepee in one corner, Cultural Diversity program in Grade 4, 1992
- two school children in traditional Indian dress in a classroom, Cultural Diversity program in Grade 4, 1992
- a man a woman looking at some handicrafts in a classroom, Cultural Diversity program in Grade 4, 1992
- traditional food, costume, instrument on display in a classroom, Cultural Diversity program in Grade 4, 1992
- a young man holding a traditional toy in a classroom, Cultural Diversity program in Grade 4, 1992
- a woman holding a traditional piece of clothing in a classroom, Cultural Diversity program in Grade 4, 1992
- girls in a gymnasium, swirling red pieces of cloth, ribbon, on sticks
- Cultural Diversity program in Grade 4, 1992
- unidentified woman speaking at a podium
Box 3. Envelope 1.
733-735. Regina Police Services Scottish bagpipe band, performing at an unknown event
736-738. Scottish dancers, performing at an unknown event
739-743. people eating breakfast at an unidentified breakfast in Swift Current, SK
744-752. an Aboriginal Dance, with costumes
Box 3. Envelope 2.
753-763. Multicultural event in the High School, featuring displays on England, China, Lebanon, Mexico, Spain, Italy, El Salvador, Poland, Ireland, Argentina
764-769. wrestling matches between students
Box 3. Envelope 3.
- Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park Visitor Centre and Office
771-789. unidentified individuals, directors on the SCMC Board for 1995-1996 - poor quality reproduction of a folk dance demonstration in a gymnasium
Box 3. Envelope 4.
- Rajesh Khosla, a SCMC Director
Box 3. Envelope 5 ("Display Board Materials").
792-793. individuals getting food at a buffet table at the Lion's Club
- individuals at a banquet, Canada flags on the tables
- unidentified individuals sitting on a picnic table
- young people folding paper stars, Vejledning stars
- a table set with teacups and biscuits
798-800. older people at a St. Patrick's Day party, folk dancing - Scottish bagpipe band at Saskatchewan Landing, August 1995
- individuals at Saskatchewan Landing, cardboard Viking ship, August 1995
- school children being taught Ukrainian folk dancing in a gymnasium
- Scottish dancers performing at Saskatchewan Landing, August 1995
805-806. four young people, the High School's Anti-Racism group at a breakfast, March 21, 1996 - a young woman receiving a book from an older woman
- a man in a traditional Scottish kilt in a living room
809-810. individuals at Citizenship Court - a school band playing in the Wheatland Mall, part of International Cafe
- a band performing at the International Cafe in the Wheatland Mall
- school children learning folk dancing in a gymnasium
- children looking at traditional toys, Cultural Diversity program in a classroom
- school children learning folk dancing in a gymnasium
- school children listening to a lady in a traditional costume, Cultural Diversity program in a classroom
- High School students in the library
- two High School students, members of the High School's Anti-Racism group, speaking to an elementary class
- a classroom on Cultural Diversity program
820-822. school children learning folk dancing in a gymnasium - Greek culture display table in a classroom for Cultural Diversity program
- South African culture display table in a classroom for Cultural Diversity program
- Indian culture display table in a classroom for Cultural Diversity program, including a sitar
- children folding origami in a classroom for Cultural Diversity program
- a classroom on Cultural Diversity program
- children looking at traditional toys, Cultural Diversity program in a classroom
- a band called "Odds Ends" performing at the International Cafe in the Wheatland Mall
- Scottish culture table display at the International Cafe in the Wheatland Mall
- Shashi Minhas and Monica Stevenson at the opening ceremonies for National Citizenship Week at the Wheatland Mall, April 1992
- German folk dancing at Folklorama
- bread making workshop, 1988
- essay winner Scott Doidge and Stephanie Fielding, at 4th Annual Networking Luncheon, 1992
- essay winners Shelby Erne, Patti-Lynne Clerc and Scott Doidge, with Joan Smith, at 4th Annual Networking Luncheon, 1992
-copy of Cultural Crossings, newsletter of the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan, January 1995
-copy of Swift Current Multicultural Council newsletter, December 1994
-copy of Saskatchewan Multicultural Magazine, summer 1994
-a "Multicoloured Bow" from the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
Box 5. Volume 1: Album, newspaper clipping and photographs, 1981-1984
- Len Enns and several performers onstage during Folklorama'81
-program from Folklorama'81 - performers on stage at Folklorama'81
- individuals square dancing
839-844. members of the SCMC speaking at a Kiwanis meeting - Scottish folk dancers performing at a banquet
846-847. Ukrainian folk dancers performing at a banquet
848-850. SCMC banquet, ca. 1981
-program for Folklorama'82 - cake for Folklorama'82 (Swift Current's Centennial Celebration)
- choir performing at Folklorama'82 (Swift Current's Centennial Celebration)
- people standing at a table during Folklorama'82 (Swift Current's Centennial Celebration), Alana Sheila Bartlett, Geoff Pardoe, Ron Hnatiuk, Gord Zakreski, Harry Stewart, Pat Smith, Lawrence Achtemichuk, Stephanie Fielding
- a man speaking at Folklorama'82 (Swift Current's Centennial Celebration), Chuck Sutyla
- a woman speaking at Folklorama'82 (Swift Current's Centennial Celebration), Pat Smith M.L.A.
856-858. cultural display tables at Folklorama'82 (Swift Current's Centennial Celebration)
859-863. folk dancers performing at Folklorama'82 (Swift Current's Centennial Celebration), Scottish, Ukrainian, etc. - balloon drop at Folklorama'82 (Swift Current's Centennial Celebration)
865-867. stage for Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers, May 8 - audience for Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers, May 8
- one woman presenting another with flowers
- flowers from a bouquet
871-883. food tables from Folklorama'83, including Scottish, Indonesian, French, East Indian, Arabic, Ukrainian, Romanian - an unidentified woman holding a large bouquet of flowers, at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
885-886. speakers on stage at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
887-888. two women performing an Indian or Arabic dance, with candles, at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
889-890. stage for Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers - two people at reception desk, Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
892-899. Spice Island calypso band performing at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
900-919. folk dancers performing at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
920-921. Ukrainian bread and eggs on display at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
922-925. Ukrainian display at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
926-929. Arabic display table at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
930-931. St. George Society (English) at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
932-934. French display table at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
935-937. East Indian display table at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
938-941. Romanian display table at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
942-944. Scottish (Green Braes) display table at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
945-948. Square Dancing display table at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers - Arts Council display table at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
950-951. St. John Ambulance display table at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers - books on a display table at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers
953-956. Indian or Arabic dancing at Folklorama'83, Salute to Mothers - Spice Island Steel Band
958-961. SCMC members at a 'Focus'83' event
962-968. Canada Day flag raising in front of City Hall, 1983 - Canada Cake, 1983
970-973. Canada Cake with Brownies and Girl Guides, 1983
974-986. Ukrainian dancers performing at an outdoor event at the Stockade
987-991. Kiwanis Green Braes Highland Dancers performing at an outdoor event at the Stockade
992-995. Swift Current Square Dancers performing at an outdoor event at the Stockade
996-1008. individuals at a banquet table at Folklorama'84
1009-1010. individuals at a banquet table at Folklorama'84, with Karen MacBean, Miss Teen Canada 1984
1011-1020. individuals at a banquet table at Folklorama'84
1021-1022. Arabic dancer performing at Folklorama'84
1023-1025. East Indian dancer performing at Folklorama'84
1026-1028. East Indian dancers performing at Folklorama'84
1029-1034. Ukrainian dancers performing at Folklorama'84
1035-1042. Eastern (Indian or Arabic?) dancers performing at Folklorama'84
1043-1053. Ukrainian dancers performing at Folklorama'84 - Green Braes Scottish dancers performing at Folklorama'84
1059-1061. individuals at a banquet table at Folklorama'84
1062-1065. Square Dancers performing at Folklorama'84 - audience at Folklorama'84, including George Kushner
- some individuals at a banquet table at Folklorama'84
- Lebanese Cuisine table at Folklorama'84
1069-1075. Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan Annual Meeting in Swift Current, SK, banquet, 1984 - Mayor Rittinger speaking at Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan Annual Meeting in Swift Current, SK, banquet, 1984
1077-1079. Minister of Education Pat Smith speaking at Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan Annual Meeting in Swift Current, SK, banquet, 1984
1080-1098. roast of outgoing MCofS president Stephanie Fielding, at Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan Annual Meeting in Swift Currrent, SK, banquet, 1984
1099-1104. entertainment at Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan Annual Meeting in Swift Current, SK, banquet, 1984
Box 5, volume 2, Album, newspaper clippings and photographs, 1993
1105-1116. grade four students learning about Indian culture at the homes of Shashi Minhas and Bela Kholsa (unsure), as part of a cultural diversity project, 1993
-rest of the album is blank
Box 5, volume 3, Album, newspaper clippings and photographs
- Youth Workshop Multicultural Mosaic, October 20, 1988, Chilean presentation with Marcia Monreal
1118-1119. Youth Workshop Multicultural Mosaic, October 20, 1988, East Indian presentation with J.J. Khosla playing a sitar
1120-1122. Youth Workshop Multicultural Mosaic, October 20, 1988, East Indian presentation with Mr. and Mrs. Kholsa, and Mrs. Verma
1123-1126. Youth Workshop Multicultural Mosaic, October 20, 1988, Egyptian presentation with Mrs. Saleh
1127-1134. Youth Workshop Multicultural Mosaic, October 20, 1988, Egyptian presentation
1135-1136. Youth Workshop Multicultural Mosaic, October 20, 1988, German presentation with Bix Biederbeck
1137-1143. Youth Workshop Multicultural Mosaic, October 20, 1988, Greek presentation with Lorna Tsougrianis
1144-1151. Youth Workshop Multicultural Mosaic, October 20, 1988, Iranian presentation with Parveen Namaghi
1152-1155. Youth Workshop Multicultural Mosaic, October 20, 1988, Pakistani presentation with Zia Afsar
1156-1157. Youth Workshop Multicultural Mosaic, October 20, 1988, Ukrainian presentation with Stephanie Fielding
1158-1165. Youth Workshop Multicultural Mosaic, October 20, 1988, Welsh presentation with Myra Leyshon
1166-1168. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, English presentation by Dorian Smith
1169-1171. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, German presentation by Bix Biederbeck
1172-1174. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, French presentation by Lynn Tessier
1175-1177. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, Pakistani presentation by Zia Afsar
1178-1181. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, Ukrainian presentation by Peter Beskowiney
1182-1184. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, Chinese presentation by Dianne Yee
1185-1187. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, Norwegian presentation by Ragnhild Cory
1188-1190. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, Filipino presentation by Ed Tuason
1191-1194. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, Chilean presentation by Dr. Fernando Selles - Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, Taiwanese presentation by Dr. Yeh-Wu Jame
1196-1197. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, East Indian presentation by Shashi Minhas
1198-1199. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, Greek presentation by Lorna Tsougrianis
1200-1202. Cultural Diversity Project for grade four students, April-May 1989, Danish presentation by Else Marie DePauw
1203-1220. Connaught School Native Dancers from Regina, SK - Multicultural Mosaic project, grade eight students visiting the home of Perses Khonje to learn about African culture
- Multicultural Mosaic project, grade eight students visiting the home of Else Marie DePauw to learn about Danish culture
- Multicultural Mosaic project, grade eight students visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Khosla to learn about East Indian culture
- Multicultural Mosaic project, grade eight students visiting the home of Zia Afsar to learn about Pakistani culture
1225-1226. Multicultural Mosaic project, grade eight students visiting the home of Myra Leyshon to learn about Welsh culture - Multicultural Mosaic project, grade eight students visiting the home of Betty McDougall to learn about Ukrainian culture
1228-1231. students dancing with long red ribbons in a gymnasium, part of Cultural Diversity program for grade four students
1232-1233. students dancing in a gymnasium, part of Cultural Diversity program for grade four students
1234-1246. a man a demonstrating paper-based folk art in a classroom, part of Cultural Diversity program for grade four students
1247-1252. activities for Cultural Diversity program in Begg School gymnasium
1253-1254. activities for Cultural Diversity program in Central School gymnasium
1255-1256. a man a demonstrating paper-based folk art in a classroom, part of Cultural Diversity program for grade four students
1257-1258. Bix Biederbeck speaking to a classroom for Cultural Diversity program
1259-1261. a woman giving a cooking lesson in a classroom for Cultural Diversity program
1262-1263. a woman speaking about India in a classroom for Cultural Diversity program
1264-1265. Zia Asfar speaking to a classroom about Pakistani culture for Cultural Diversity program - an Asian man addressing a classroom for Cultural Diversity program
1267-1268. speakers addressing students for Cultural Diversity program
1269-1271. Ragnhild Cory speaking to a classroom about Norwegian culture for Cultural Diversity program - Dianne Yee speaking to students about Chinese culture for Cultural Diversity program
-newspaper article about the end of the Folklorama Festivals - Multicultural Mosaic project, 1990, grade eight students visiting the home of Bix Biederbeck to learn about German culture
1274.Multicultural Mosaic project, 1990, grade eight students visiting someone's home to learn about a difference culture - Multicultural Mosaic project, 1990, grade eight students visiting J.J. Kholsa's home to learn about East Indian culture
- Multicultural Mosaic project, 1990, grade eight students visiting the home of Ragnhold Cory to learn about Norwegian culture
- Multicultural Mosaic project, 1990, grade eight students visiting the home of Zia Afsar to learn about Pakistani culture
- Multicultural Mosaic project, 1990, grade eight students visiting the home of Sue Stepphun to learn about Taiwanese culture
1279-1280. Multicultural Mosaic project, 1990, grade eight students visiting the home of Myra Leyshon to learn about Welsh culture - grade eight participants of the Multicultural Mosaic project, 1990
1282-1288. Cultural Diversity program in a classroom, 1991, different speakers
1289-1292. Cultural Diversity program activities in a gymnasium, folk dancing
1293-1295. members of the SCMC planning Cultural Diversity program - Multicultural Day at Fairview School, Egypt table
- Multicultural Day at Fairview School, Scottish dancing
- Multicultural Day at Fairview School, Scotland table
- Multicultural Day at Fairview School
1300-1302. Multicultural Youth Workshop with grade eight students, 1991
1303-1311. Alexandre the Clown performing for grade four students in different languages, part of Cultural Diversity project
1312-1313. members of the SCMC in a meeting
1314-1338. Cultural Diversity speakers in a grade four classroom, 1992, including Germany, Pakistan, India, etc.
1339-1343. essay winners Shelby Erne, Patti-Lynne Clerc and Scott Doidge, with English teacher Joan Smith
Series 2: Financial Records
Extent: 80 cm textual records
Dates: 1984 - 1991
Scope and content: series contains financial documents of the SCMC, including receipts, cheque stubs, statements, invoices, canceled cheques, etc.
(Box 4)
-bank statements, 1987-1989
-deposit book, November 1985 - October 1986
-receipt books for Folklorama 1987 and 1988
-receipt books for 1987-1988
-cheque stubs for 1986-1987
-folder of financial documents from Saskatchewan Organization for Heritage Language
-folder of financial documents from Folklorama'86
-bank statements, 1986-87
-issued cheques, 1986-1987
-receipt book for memberships, 1986
-envelope with miscellaneous banking documents, including Statement of Investment Income - T5, 1986 & 87, and Term Deposit Maturity Notices
-folders containing financial documents form 1987-1988 labeled: Petty Cash; Advertising; Utilities; Facility Rental, Liquor Permits, Projects and Socials; Canada Post; Books & Magazine Accounts / Membership; Miscellaneous Receipts; Pitney-Bowes (Postage Meter); Robinson Electronics; Revenue of Canada Employee Contributions; Folklorama'88; Grant Monies Receipts; Fund-Raisers; Jomar Stationary; Travel Expenses, Meal Expenses; Miscellaneous Receipts 1987; Folklorama'87; Pioneer Co-op Pd. Accts. for Various Projects; 1985 General Meetings
-envelope that reads 'Multicultural Day/July 4, 1989/Foods Committee'
-5 envelopes stapled together that read 'Boh's Bar Homecoming Week/ July 3-5, 1989'
-folders containing financial documents from 1988-1989 labeled: Petty Cash; Grant Monies Receipts; Utilities; Bank Statements August 1988 - July 15, 1989; Advertising; Conferences, Travel; Typist (Penny G.); Jomars; Assets; Pioneer Co-op; Projects; Postage; Memberships/Subscriptions; Susan Majeran; Revenue Canada; Miscellaneous; Multicultural Day, July 4, 1989; Folklorama
-book, "Financial and Accounting Guide for Non-Profit Organizations"
-Adjustment, Supplies and Services Canada, 1986
(Box 9)
-receipt books, 1987-1989, 1989-1990
-deposit book, 1984-1985, 1987-1989
-cheque stubs, 1977-1978, 1981, 1988-1989, 1989, 1990-1991
-ledgers, 1979-1984, 1982-1983, 1985, 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990,
-daybook planner, 1988-1989, 1989, 1990,
-Canada Day committee telephone directory, 1985
-folders of receipts and financial documents for April 1990 to July 1991 (missing August 1990)
Utilities 1989-90 (utility bills); Bank Statements and Canceled Cheques 1990-91; Revenue Canada 1990-1991; Coordinator (Coordinator's job description and report); Petty Cash 1990-199 (receipts);
Untitled: (financial); Insurance 1990 (insurance forms); Jomar's 1990-1991 (receipts, samples);
Pioneer Co-op, 1990-1991 (receipts, statements, etc.); Penny's Home Typing, 1990-1991 (invoices) Miscellaneous, 1989-1990 (receipts); Petty Cash, 1989-1990 (receipts); Postage, 1989-1990 (receipts and invoices); Projects, 1989-1990 (receipts and invoices); Memberships and Subscriptions, 1989-1990 (receipts and invoices); Jomars, 1989-1990 (receipts and invoices); Advertising, Booster, Sun, 1989-1990 (receipts and invoices); Grants, 1989-1990 (receipts, cheque stubs, correspondence); Bank statements and canceled cheques, August 1, 1989 to July 31, 1990
-miscellaneous documents, from 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991: receipts, statements, photocopying record, employment record, etc.
Series 3: Documentation
Dates: 1974 - 1991
Extent: 400 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contain documentation of the SCMC from its inception in 1974 to 1991, including minutes, correspondence, published material, incorporation documents, documents pertaining to the umbrella organization Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan, information about various programs, etc.
(Box 6)
-Folklorama Programs: Folk Festival 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, Folklorama 1980, 1981-
-MCOS 1973: history of the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
-Refugee Program 1975: to help new immigrants settle
-MCOS 1977: Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan, minutes, correspondence, etc. for 1977
-MCOS 1978: Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan president's report at AGM
-Culture & Youth 1979: Saskatchewan Department of Culture and Youth documents, 1979
-Indochinese: documents pertaining to helping an Indochinese refugee family settle
-MCOS 1979: Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan, 1979 documents
-Refugee Program 1979: Swift Current Vietnamese Refugee Program, minutes, other documents
-Refugee Program 1980: documents, re: helping new immigrants to adjust to the community, including resumes for a Coordinator for an Immigrant Women's program, documents, re: Community Orientation Program, New Canadian services, Family Reunification services
-Marge Berezowsky: documents re: Marge Berezowsky, part-time secretary for the Swift Current Multicultural Council, ca. 1985 - 1987, employment documents
-MCOS 1981: Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan, minutes, correspondence, etc. for 1981
-The Plea: copy of 'The Plea', (Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan), August 1981
-Refugee Program 1981: documents pertaining to settling refugees in SC, Report to the Department of Secretary of State May 1981 From Services to New Immigrants Project, employment information, Community Orientation Program, grant from the Canadian Foundation for Refugees, Immigrant Interest Services
-S.C.M.C. Correspondence 1981: Swift Current Multicultural Council correspondence, 1981
-Current Events File: correspondence, re: SCMC Board of Directors, removal of George Kushner from Board, etc., 1987
-Committee Information: four newspaper sections entitled "Victims of Crime"
-Saskatoon Open Door Society: newsletters, report 1981-1982
-Regina Open Door Society: list of new immigrants to Swift Current, Vietnamese/English word list, newsletter from Regina Open Door Society, Orientation Manual for Newcomers, Budget Overview 1980-1981, Immigrant Women's Workshop 1981
-Immigrant Interest Service Reports: information on immigrant families in Swift Current, Certificate of Appreciation to Immigrant Interest Centre from Saskatchewan Environment, brochure and other documents pertaining to Immigrant Interest Services, correspondence from 1982, Immigrant Services Grant
-ESL: Language Program Guideline to Applicants and Application, from Saskatchewan Culture and Recreation
-MCOS 1982: correspondence, reports, constitution and bylaws, etc. from Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan, 1982
-Refugee Program 1982: minutes and agendas from SCMC 1982
-SCMC Correspondence 1982: documents entitles Government Relations, Financial Management, and Administration (no correspondence)
-MCOS prior to 84: memoranda, correspondence, minutes of the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan 1983, "A Brief to the Special Parliamentary Committee on the Participation of Visible Minorities in Canadian Society" submitted by the the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
-Human Rights Commission: brochures, correspondence, from Canada Human Rights Commission
-Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan 1984: minutes, agenda etc. for general meeting, memoranda, constitutional and bylaws, board of directors and member Councils of Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan for 1984, Proposal For Changes To The Multicultural Act
-MCOS Annual Meeting May 1984: handwritten list of council members, correspondence, re: Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan 1984 AGM (took place in SC at the Hillcrest Motor Inn), agenda, attendance list
-Robert Smith: copy of Bill 50 - Manitoba Intercultural Act, copy of Alberta Cultural Heritage Act, copy of An Act respecting The Saskatchewan Multicultural Advisory Council and providing for Assistance to Individuals and Groups, Saskatoon Multicultural Council, proposed amendment to the MCOS Constitution under Robert Smith, president of SCMC in 1985, correspondence
-Bobbie Baker: T4 and employment information for Roberta Baker from 1984, Expense Sheets
-Employment and Immigration Info 1980 - 1985: notes taken at employment seminar 1983, T4 Summaries of Remuneration paid, booklet 'How To Complete the Record of Employment", brochures from Labour Canada, 'Glossary of Industrial Relations Terms', 'Labour Standards' documents
-Grants Sask. Heritage 1985: application and correspondence re: Saskatchewan Heritage 1985 Activity Grant, cheque stub for Cultural Festivals, Swift Current Canada Day Committee Classification of Application, cheque stub for Canada Day Activities
-Harmony Series: documents pertaining to Harmony Series television program, information about how to shoot community television
-1985 MCOS Correspondence (Rec'd): correspondence from Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan to all local Councils, minutes of the 1985 AGM, correspondence with Liberal Party of Saskatchewan, correspondence, re: proposed changes for Saskatchewan Multicultural Legislation, agendas and minutes of meetings
-Resumes - Part-time Sec. 1985: job advertisement, interview questions, resumes
-Saskatchewan History Folklore Society: itinerary for a tour of Swift Current, maps of Swift Current with information about various locations in the City
-Student Worker Opportunities 1985: employment information for Suzanne Soto, student job description, documents pertaining to Canada-Saskatchewan Opportunities '85 employment grant
-SCMC Correspondence 1985: correspondence from various multicultural governmental, educational, etc. organizations, SaskExpo 86 Corporation
-1985 - Wages: employment notes
-Work Placement: employment documents, re: Roberta Baker
-Saskatchewan Ambassador envelope
-[name on folder is illegible]: 1986 Census of Canada
-Expo'86: Amateur Performing Group application form
-MCOS Correspondence 86: Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan Annual Report 1986-87, Folk Arts Talent Development Project proposal, draft of MCOS submission to the Governor General, correspondence and memoranda, reports, minutes and agendas from meeting, bylaw proposals
(Box 7)
Swift Current Multicultural Council 1974 - 1975: history of the organization, grant application to Secretary of State Citizenship Branch for 1974, Bylaws of the SCMC, correspondence from 1974, minutes from 1974, correspondence from 1975, Multicultural Festival workshop agenda, grant application to Secretary of State Citizenship Branch for 1975, minutes from 1975 meetings
Swift Current Multicultural Council 1982 - 1983: 1982 executive, contact information for various multicultural organizations in Swift Current, Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the four months Ended August 31, 1981, correspondence from 1982, minutes from 1982, Statement of Receipts and Disbursements For the Year Ended July 31, 1983, correspondence from 1983, minutes from 1983
1990 1989 Minutes General and Executive: attendance, minutes and agendas for General Meetings from 1989-1990, financial reports and lists of correspondence sent and correspondence received for 1989, statements of Cash Receipts and Expenditures, budget for 1989-1990, committee reports from 1989-1990, other documents pertaining to SCMC activities, Communications Committee report, other committee reports, attendance, minutes and agendas for Executive Meetings 1989-1990, financial reports 1989-1990, list and correspondence sent and correspondence received
(Box 8)
Binder 1 (blue): Swift Current Multicultural Council 1976-1977
-membership lists; constitution and bylaws; financial reports; correspondence; and minutes for 1976 and 1977
Binder 2 (green): Swift Current Multicultural Council 1978-1979
-annual report, membership lists, financial reports, Multicultural Festival Series grant application, correspondence, etc. for 1978
-minutes, agendas, and attendance for meetings, committee reports, 1978
membership list, Multicultural Festival Series grant application, correspondence, financial reports, etc. for 1979
-minutes, agendas, and attendance for meetings, committee reports, 1979
Binder 3 (red): Swift Current Multicultural Council 1980 - 1981
-membership list, financial reports, Cultural Activities Grant, President's Annual Report, committee reports, correspondence for 1980
-general meeting minutes, agendas and attendance sheets for 1980, executive meeting minutes, agendas and attendance sheets for 1980
-financial reports, Annual Report, membership and member council list, correspondence for 1981
-President's Annual Report, minutes, agendas and attendance for meeting, 1981
Binder 4 (black): Swift Current Multicultural Council 1984-1986
-progress reports, financial reports, committee reports, membership lists, list of assets, correspondence for ca. 1983-1984
-executive meeting minutes, agendas, attendance sheets for 1984
-general meeting minutes, agendas, attendance sheets for 1985
-general meeting minutes, agendas, attendance sheets for 1986
-correspondence from 1985-1986
Binder 5 (black): Swift Current Multicultural Council 1987-1989
-general meeting minutes and agendas, financial reports, attendance sheets, committee reports, other reports for 1986-1988
-executive meeting minutes, attendance sheets, committee reports, employment documents, and correspondence for ca. 1987 - 1989
-correspondence, 1987 - 1988
-Annual Report of the Swift Current Multicultural Council Presented to the MCOS Annual Meeting, May 14, 1988
(Box 10)
-folders, Advertising; AGM (1991); Alex Taylor Community School; Allied Arts Council; Archives (items from the estate of Violet Lundholm); Bylaws; Canada Council (publications); Canada Day (1989); Canada Advisory Council on the Status of Women; 1986 Census (Saskatchewan Population by Origin); Chamber of Commerce (correspondence, etc.), Charity Number (documentation, re: charity status); Citizenship Week; Constitution and Non-Profit Act/Corporation (documentation re: non-profit status); Cypress Hills Regional College; Ethnic Spotlight (cablevision program); MCOS Grants, 1988-1991 (Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan funding applications); Grants - Secretary of State 1989-1991 (project funding); Grants SOHL 1989-1990 (Saskatchewan Organization for Heritage Languages); Grant - T.I.P. (Trust Initiative Program); Great Sandhills Historical Society; Harvest Festival (1990); Immigrant Women of Saskatchewan (Swift Current Chapter); Lobbying (protesting budget cuts); Presidents Meeting (Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan, 1989-1991); General Meeting Announcements; MCOS General Correspondence (Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan); Ministerial Association (1987-1988); Multicultural Cards; Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada; Reidmore Book (publishers); SCMC Correspondence (1988-1991); SCMC Membership List (1984-1991); SCMC (executive meetings); St. George's Society; SWRA (South West Recreation Association); SOHL (Saskatchewan Organization for Heritage Languages); Task Force (Arts Strategy); Youth Group ECOH (Ethnic Cultures of Our Horizons); Co-Ordinator Hours (employment information); Revenue Canada; Insurance; Photocopier; Pitney Bowes (equipment maintenance); Correspondence 1991; Grants, miscellaneous (information, criteria)
(Box 11)
-folders, Canada Day 1981, 1985, 1986; MCOS Annual Meetings to 1988 (1986-1998); MCOS Grants, 1986-1988; Grants - Miscellaneous to 1988; Grants - Saskatchewan Parks, Rec and Culture 1985-1989; Untitled (receipts for services, 1989); Grants - Secretary of State 1981-1988
-envelopes: financial statements, bills, receipts, canceled cheques, 1977-1978, 1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982, 1982-1983, 1983-1984, 1984-1985, 1985-1986
-receipt book, 1985
-correspondence, re: arts funding
-folder with receipts
Notes area
Physical condition
Immediate source of acquisition
No formal arrangement has been applied to the items in this fonds.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Location of originals
Availability of other formats
Restrictions on access
No restrictions on access.
Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication
Use, reproduction, and/or publication of records are subject to the Copyright Act and the Terms and Conditions of the Swift Current Museum. Please consult the Swift Current Museum for further information.
Finding aids
Minimal fonds level description is listed in AtoM. Until fully appraised and arranged record lists are available through the Swift Current Museum.
Associated materials
No further accruals are expected.
Alternative identifier(s)
Additional Identifier
Standard number area
Standard number
Access points
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Place access points
Name access points
- Swift Current Multicultural Council (Subject)