- ArchiefMG 146 - W.O. Kupsch fonds
- ReeksJ. Audio-Visual Materials
- 730 more...
- StukWOK 6-6 - View from Little Rock Mtns down Ruby Gulch
- StukWOK 6-7 - Students looking down glory hole, Ruby Gulch Mine
- StukWOK 6-8 - Glory hole, Ruby Gulch Mine, Little Rock Mountains
- StukWOK 6-9 - Escarpment of Eagle sandstone, Little Rock Mountains
- StukWOK 6-11 - Stalagcites and Stalagmites
- StukWOK 6-12 - Diagrams related to peneplain, panplain and pediplain
- StukWOK 6-13 - Present topography and geologic structure - Dominguez Hills oil field, California
- StukWOK 6-14 - Drilling a well and making the pipe for a well
- StukWOK 6-15 - Bamboo pipelines in Szechwan province, China
- 1566 more...