- CollectieAGC - Agriculture Collection
- ReeksEXP - Experimental Farm(Klad)
- DeelreeksRST - Regina Station
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- StukIHM.2020.0054 - Side View of a Model 3920-524 Sprayer
- StukIHM.2020.0055 - Field Day. Mr. Davidson Speaking at Rod Row Variety Test
- StukIHM.2020.0056 - Mr. J.G. Davidson, Indian Head, Speaking at Rod Row variety Test, July 1950
- StukIHM.2020.0057 - Mr. J. Roe Foster, Regina, Speaking at the Field Day, 1950.
- StukIHM.2020.0058 - Speaker at Field Day 1950. J. Roe Foster
- StukIHM.2020.0059 - Field day. July 23/51. Mr. Foster Speaking
- StukIHM.2020.0060 - E. A. Hurd. Dr. E. S. Hopkins. J. Roe Foster. In a plot of 0AC21 Barley. July 28. 1952
- StukIHM.2020.0061 - Indian Head Forest Nursery Station.
- StukIHM.2020.0062 - Bernard Bosgoed with Graham Hoeme Cultivator
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