Study the history of the French speaking people of Saskatchewan from their first forays in the area (Voyageurs) to the present;
Find and preserve all pertinent information about the history of the French speaking people of Saskatchewan that could enrich their cultural heritage;
Actively promote the history of the French speaking people of Saskatchewan and its interpretation in order that all residents become familiar with the role played by the French in Saskatchewan.
Study the history of the French speaking people of Saskatchewan from their first forays in the area (Voyageurs) to the present; Find and preserve all pertinent information about the history of the French speaking people of Saskatchewan that could enrich their cultural heritage; Actively promote the history of the French speaking people of Saskatchewan and its interpretation in order that all residents become familiar with the role played by the French in Saskatchewan.
área de acesso
horário de funcionamento
Monday-Friday, 8:30-16:30
Condição de acesso e uso
área de serviços
serviços de pesquisa
serviços de reprodução
Áreas públicas
Zona do controlo
Identificador da descrição
Identificador da instituição
Regras ou convenções utilizadas
Nível de detalhe
Datas de criação, revisão ou eliminação
Línguas e escritas
Notas de manutenção
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso
Populations (Thematic area)
City of Regina (Geographic subregion)
City of Saskatoon (Geographic subregion)
Área de transferência
Contacto principal
214 - 1440, 9th Ave. N. Regina, Saskatchewan CA S4P 8B1