Fonds A1 - Seager Wheeler and Family fonds

Part of Rosthern, SK Rosthern, SK Law St. Rosthern, SK Train and Grain Elevators Ens St. Rosthern, SK Train Crossing a Train Bridge People Working a Plow Men and Women Pulling a Wagon Masonic Temple Rosthern, SK Men with Instruments Gathered in Front of a Train Men with Instruments Gathered in Front of a Train Exhibition, Rosthern, SK Grain Elevator and a Horse with a Wagon Man and Two Dogs in the Snow Drawn Cartoon
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Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité

Titre propre

Seager Wheeler and Family fonds

Dénomination générale des documents

  • Document graphique
  • Document textuel

Titre parallèle

Compléments du titre

Mentions de responsabilité du titre

Notes du titre

Niveau de description




Zone de l'édition

Mention d'édition

Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition

Zone des précisions relatives à la catégorie de documents

Mention d'échelle (cartographique)

Mention de projection (cartographique)

Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)

Mention d'échelle (architecturale)

Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)

Zone des dates de production


  • 1868-1961; [predominant 1930-1959] (Production)
    Wheeler, Seager
    Rosthern (Sask.)

Zone de description matérielle

Description matérielle

~785 photographs
~521 letters
~98 Certificates

Zone de la collection

Titre propre de la collection

Titres parallèles de la collection

Compléments du titre de la collection

Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection

Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection

Note sur la collection

Zone de la description archivistique

Nom du producteur


Notice biographique

A native of the Isle of Wight, Seager Wheeler immigrated to Saskatchewan in 1885. After working for a few years on his uncle's farm near Clark's Crossing, he took up a homestead in the Rosthern district, specializing in seed production. In 1911 he won the world championship for Wheat at the New York Land Show; in the seven years following he won four more world championships with wheat produced on his farm.

He originated several varieties of wheat, two of which, Kitchener and Red Bobs, made a significant contribution to the agricultural economy of western Canada. Although his name is usually associated with wheat, Wheeler also played an active role in the improvement of oats, barley, and potatoes. Wheeler joined the Canadian Seed Growers' Association in 1908 and took a leading part in its affairs throughout his lifetime. In 1919 his book, Profitable Grain Growing, was published by the Grain Growers' Guide. In recognition of his outstanding contribution to agriculture, an honorary Doctor of Laws degree was conferred upon him by Queen's University in 1919.

Daria Coneghan

Historique de la conservation

Portée et contenu

Fonds consists of materials (letters, photographs, records, articles, scrapbooks, etc.) created and/or collected by Seager Wheeler and family members.

Zone des notes

État de conservation

Source immédiate d'acquisition


Langue des documents

Écriture des documents

Localisation des originaux

Disponibilité d'autres formats

Restrictions d'accès

Délais d'utilisation, de reproduction et de publication

Instruments de recherche

Éléments associés

Éléments associés


Désignations alpha-numériques


Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)

Zone du numéro normalisé

Numéro normalisé


Mots-clés - Lieux

Mots-clés - Noms

Mots-clés - Genre

Zone du contrôle

Accession area

Personnes et organismes associés

Lieux associés

Genres associés