Saskatchewan Teachers College


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Saskatchewan Teachers College

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The Regina Normal School was established in 1893. The Moose Jaw Normal School opened in 1927. The Regina school closed in 1944. The Moose Jaw school closed in 1959, and its operations were transferred to a new school in Regina, which finally closed in 1964. Mandate: The Regina and Moose Jaw Normal Schools, along with their sister institution in Saskatoon, were responsible for administering teacher education programs in the then-Northwest Territories, and after 1905 in the newly-established Province of Saskatchewan. Predecessor and Successor Bodies: In 1964 the Regina Normal School closed and its functions assumed by the University of Saskatchewan Regina Campus (USRC). Administrative Relationships: From 1893 to 1905 the Normal Schools were administered by the Director of Normal Schools for the Northwest Territories. After 1905 they reported to a Superintendent of Education in the government of Saskatchewan, and later to the Deputy Minister of Education. Administrative Structure: During the periods when there were two Normal Schools, they were each organized separately under the control of a Principal. The Student Assembly was made up of an Executive body (President, Vice-President, etc), various clubs and committees, and executive bodies for each class. Names of the Corporate Bodies: It was originally called the Regina Provincial Normal School. The word "Provincial" was deleted when the Moose Jaw school opened, and they became known only as the Regina and Moose Jaw Normal Schools. In 1953 the Moose Jaw school was renamed the Saskatchewan Teachers College, Moose Jaw. After the move to Regina in 1959 it was called the Saskatchewan Teachers College, Regina. Other Significant Information: For most of its existence the Regina Normal School was located at the corner of Broad St. and College Ave. (1914-1939, 1959-1964). From 1930-1959 the Moose Jaw Normal School was located in what is now the SIAST Palliser Campus in Moose Jaw.



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