- Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation fonds
- Série organique1 - STF General Photos
- 6424 en plus...
- Pièce1.0773.01 - Saskatchewan Council of Social Studies Teachers (SCSST) 1988 - Frank Feather
- Pièce1.0774.01 - Saskatchewan Home Economics Teachers' Association (SHETA) 1986 - Elaine Adam
- Pièce1.0775.01 - Saskatchewan Council for the Education of Gifted Learners (SCEGL) 1987 - Dr. Robert Sternberg
- Pièce1.0776.01 - Saskatchewan Middle Years Association (SMYA) 1986 - Conference Speakers
- Pièce1.0776.02 - Saskatchewan Middle Years Association (SMYA) 1986 - Deduction Exercise
- Pièce1.0777.01 - Saskatchewan Association of Supervisors and Consultants (SASC) 1987 - Dr. Carl Glickman
- Pièce1.0778.01 - Principals 1986-89 - Consultation
- Pièce1.0778.02 - Principals 1986-89 - Lawrie McFarlane
- Pièce1.0778.03 - Principals 1986-89 - Summer Course Discussion Group
- 719 en plus...