Área de identidad
Tipo de entidad
Entidade coletiva
Forma autorizada del nombre
Saskatchewan. Dept. of Economic and Co-operative Development. Investment and Corporate Services Division, 2000-2002
Forma(s) paralela(s) de nombre
Forma(s) normalizada del nombre, de acuerdo a otras reglas
Otra(s) forma(s) de nombre
- Investment and Corporate Services Division
Identificadores para instituciones
Área de descripción
Fechas de existencia
The Investment and Corporate Services Division of the Saskatchewan Department of Economic and Co-operative Development was established in September, 2000 as the result of a departmental reorganization. The Division is responsible for the administration and management of the majority of the Department's service areas. It was comprised of four branches: Investment Services; Economic Investments; Financial and Administrative Services; and Information Systems Services.
The Investment Services Branch was responsible for promoting the growth and development of Saskatchewan businesses. It provided services and programs that encouraged businesses to increase equity financing from the community, and expand their human resources. The Branch was responsible for the administration of: The Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corporations Program; business immigration programs, namely the Provincial Nominee Program and the Immigrant Investor Program; the Small Business Loans Association Program; and the Saskatchewan Business Ambassadors Program. On April 1, 2001, responsibility for business immigration programs was transferred to the Immigration Branch of the Department of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs which was established in September, 2000.
The Economic Investments Branch was responsible for administering programs aimed at building Saskatchewan's economy through innovation, research and development, and the adaptation of technologies. Programs administered by the Branch were the Strategic Investment Fund; the Innovation and Science Fund; the Canada-Saskatchewan Western Economic Partnership Agreement and the Youth Provincial Action Committee on the Economy.
The Financial and Administrative Services Branch was responsible for the provision of general operating, financial and legislative services to the Department and to the Office of Northern Affairs. The Information Systems Services Branch provided infrastructure and technical support to the Department in the areas of information technology and information management.
The Department of Economic and Co-operative Development and its subordinate agencies were disestablished on March 26, 2002 as a result of a governmental reorganization. The Department merged with the Department of Energy and Mines to form the Department of Industry and Resources.
Estatuto jurídico
Funciones, ocupaciones y actividades
Mandatos/fuentes de autoridad
Estructura/genealogía interna
Contexto general
Área de relaciones
Entidad relacionada
Identifier of related entity
Categoría de la relación
Tipo de relación
Saskatchewan. Dept. of Economic and Co-operative Development. Investment and Corporate Services Division, 2000-2002
Fechas de relación
Descripción de la relación
Entidad relacionada
Identifier of related entity
Categoría de la relación
Tipo de relación
is the predecessor of
Saskatchewan. Dept. of Economic and Co-operative Development. Investment and Corporate Services Division, 2000-2002
Fechas de relación
Descripción de la relación
Área de puntos de acceso
Puntos de acceso por materia
Puntos de acceso por lugar
Área de control
Identificador de registro de autoridad
Identificador de la institución
Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan
Reglas y/o convenciones usadas
Rules for Archival Description (RAD)
Estado de elaboración
Nivel de detalle
Fechas de creación, revisión o eliminación
Department of Economic and Co-operative Development annual reports