- FondsA1 - Seager Wheeler and Family fonds
- Série organiqueP1 - Photographs
- DossierP1.5 - Miscellaneous
- 23 en plus...
- Pièce2021-P-024 - Kids in the Winter
- Pièce2021-P-025 - Wheeler Daughters May, Beth and Isabelle
- Pièce2021-P-026 - Seager Wheelers Sod House, Maple Grove Farm, Rosthern, SK
- Pièce2021-P-027 - Hops Growing on Fence Beside First Sod House at Maple Grove Farm
- Pièce2021-P-028 - River
- Pièce2021-P-029 - Seager and Two Eldest Daughters May and Ella
- Pièce2021-P-030 - Seager Wheeler Working in the Field
- Pièce2021-P-031 - Main Street Rosthern, SK
- Pièce2021-P-032 - Main Street Rosthern, SK
- 351 en plus...