- CollectionIHC - Town Collection
- Série organiqueNWP - Newspapers
- Sous-série organiqueAMN - Assorted Miscellaneous Newspapers
- PièceIHM.2020.0013 - The Vidette Indian Head Northwest Territories Christmas Annual (1898)
- PièceIHM.2020.0097 - Stilborn Brings Prairie Poetry to Life
- PièceIHM.2020.0358 - Indian Head - Wolseley News -100th Anniversary Celebrations - Tuesday September 3, 2002
- PièceIHM.2020.0360 - Rink Built for $2500
- PièceIHM.2020.0411 - Little Mosque on the Prairie
- PièceIHM.2020.0415 - E.J. Brooks Newspaper Clippings
- PièceIHM.2020.0416 - Arthur Leach Newspaper Clippings
- PièceIHM.2021.0139 - Lil Weaver newspaper story clipping