- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA-RPL - RPL - Prairie History Room
- 129 en plus...
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-755 - "Wascana Lake, Regina, Canada"
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-756 - Parliament Buildings [Legislative Building] from Wascana Park
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-773 - Capitol Theatre
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-774 - Regina General Hospital
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-788 - Regina's second fire station
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-789 - Ladder truck, Regina Fire Brigade, No. 101
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-813 - International Grain Exhibition Show Building, Regina
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-830 - Regina Machine Works
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-831 - Massey and Co. Farm Machinery
- 91 en plus...