- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA - General Photos
- 90 en plus...
- PièceCORA-A-507 - Methodist Church and Y.W.C.A. After Cyclone Regina, Saskatchewan
- PièceCORA-A-510 - Cornwall St. After the Cyclone Regina, Saskatchewan
- PièceCORA-A-512 - North End of Regina after cyclone
- PièceCORA-A-515 - Looking across Wascana Lake from Legislative Buildings in Regina
- PièceCORA-A-518 - Regina Theatre
- PièceCORA-A-524 - Buhl Plane
- PièceCORA-A-526 - Sir Hubert Wilkins' plane
- PièceCORA-A-535 - Saskatchewan Legislative Grounds and Wascana Lake
- PièceCORA-A-540 - Riot damage at Underwood Typewriter Company
- 166 en plus...