- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA - General Photos
- 15 en plus...
- PièceCORA-A-1328 - Aerial view of Regina, Saskatchewan
- PièceCORA-A-1332 - Scarth Street and King's Hotel, Regina, Saskatchewan.
- PièceCORA-A-1339 - "The first shack in Regina"
- PièceCORA-A-147 - Regina streetcar barn
- PièceCORA-A-148 - Regina Streetcar #26
- PièceCORA-A-1482 - Aerial view of Regina City Hall and Downtown
- PièceCORA-A-1484 - New wing of Regina College under construction.
- PièceCORA-A-149 - Regina Streetcar #17
- PièceCORA-A-1490 - Laying of the cornerstone at City Hall
- 241 en plus...