Regina Health District


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Regina Health District

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The Regina Health District was established with the passing of the Regina Health District Act on 24 May 1993. The Act established the composition of the Regina District Health Board, which in turn worked to define the boundaries of the new Health District. The boundaries were formally established in October 1993, and the hospitals of Regina – Plains Health Centre, Pasqua Hospital, Regina General Hospital, and Wascana Rehabilitation Centre – were integrated under the management of one administration and one Board. The responsibilities of the Regina Health District grew to encompass Home Care, Emergency Medical Services, Public Health, Mental Health, the Hearing Aid Plan, and Alcohol and Drug Services, as services formerly operated by municipal and provincial governments were subsumed under the District. Health services were offered through two acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation centre, five community health centres, and ten long-term care facilities operated by affiliated agencies. The District established community-based support for mothers and new-borns, an Asthma Outpatient Clinic, Palliative Care Unit, Pastoral Care Department, Child and Family Medical Services Outpatient Clinic, and HIV/AIDS Anonymous Testing. The District served a population of 475,000, including residents of Regina Health District and other districts of Southern Saskatchewan, and employed more than 6,200 people.

On 1 August 2002, the Regina Health District ceased to exist, as it was amalgamated with the Touchwood Qu'Appelle and Pipestone health districts to form a larger organisation. Known initially as the Regional Health Authority #4, this governing body was officially named the Regina Qu'Appelle Regional Health Authority on 26 November 2002. The following individuals have served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Regina Health District: Royce H. Gill (1993-1995 or 1997?); Glenn S. Bartlett (1997-1999), Jim Saunders (1999-2001), and Dwight Nelson (2001-2002).



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Authority record identifier

Identificatiecode van de instelling

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Datering van aanmaak, herziening of verwijdering

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