Regina General Hospital


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Regina General Hospital

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Hospital services in Regina began in 1896 when the Land Titles Building at the corner of Hamilton Street and 13th Avenue was rented, furnished and equipped as the new six-bed hospital. The Victoria Order of Nurses provided nursing services to the Cottage Hospital, as it was called, under an appointed Board of Directors. In 1899, a new building was erected on Hamilton Street south of 14th Avenue, funded by public subscription and a contribution from the VON. The new 25-bed facility, named Victoria Hospital, was ready for service in 1900 and officially opened in September 1901. A Training School for Nurses was launched in this hospital in 1902, as the VON had ceased to provide nursing services. In 1907 the City of Regina Health and Relief Department assumed control of the hospital which was renamed the Regina General Hospital. A new 100-bed facility was completed in 1911 at the present site on 14th Avenue. The buildings underwent many additions and renovations over the years and by 1950 bed capacity had reached 807. Construction continued during the 1950s and 1960s, and an extensive Regeneration Program was carried out during the 1980s and 1990s. In 1974, Regina General Hospital was taken over by the Province of Saskatchewan, and the consolidation of health services followed. Reorganisation of Saskatchewan health services commenced in 1992, resulting in the establishment of the Regina District Health Board (14 February 1992) and the Regina Health District (May 1993). Regina General Hospital became one of several facilities integrated in the new district health services plan under the management of one administration and one Board. In 2002 the District amalgamated with two others to form the Regina Qu'Appelle Regional Health Authority. As one of two tertiary care institutions, the Regina General Hospital continues to hold a key role in the Region's integrated health care system. The following individuals have served as Superintendent or Executive Director of Regina General Hospital: Charles Barton (1948-1965), Dr. Ernest Appleyard (1953-1958), Dr. A. Pickles (1965-1967), H. M. J. Westcott (1967-1968), E. C. (Edward) Emery (1968-1975), Dr. D. W. Carnduff (1975- 1976), and Royce H. Gill (1976-1993).



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