Red Deer Hill (Sask.)



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Red Deer Hill (Sask.)

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Red Deer Hill Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0510
  • Entidade coletiva
  • ca.1926–2004

Davis Pastoral Charge (later Red Deer Hill Pastoral Charge) was formed as a new aid-receiving United Church charge ca.1926, part of Prince Albert Presbytery and consisting of appointments at Davis, Red Deer Hill, Deer Park and Meridian. By 1932, only Davis and Red Deer Hill were still listed as part of the charge. As of 1951, the charge was being served by a student minister and Russelville was included. In the late-1950s, the charge was joined with Colleston Pastoral Charge, though the two were separate again by 1959 and Davis Pastoral Charge was served by retired supply ministry (D.G. Rice). As of 1963, Davis was no longer listed as a preaching point, leaving only Red Deer Hill as the Pastoral Charge, served by a student minster. On April 1, 2004, Red Deer Hill Pastoral Charge was officially closed.