- CollectionORC - Organizations Collection
- Série organiqueOTH - Other Organizations
- 9 en plus...
- PièceIHM.2021.0552 - Odd Fellows certificate
- PièceIHM.2021.0559 - Letter appointing Dr. Middleton to the Order of the British Empire
- PièceIHM.2022.0113 - Indian Head Farmers Market records and correspondence
- PièceIHM.2022.0114 - Indian Head Horticultural Society - Certificate of formation
- PièceIHM.2022.0183 - Program/ticket to the play "Boeing Boeing"
- PièceIHM.2022.0308 - H.L.P. Club Photo/clippings Album - Book 1
- PièceIHM.2022.0309 - H.L.P. Club Photo/clippings Album - Book 2
- PièceIHM.2022.0337 - Sixteenth Annual Music Festival Programme - 1945
- PièceIHM.2022.0347 - Toastmasters entertain homecoming crowd