Princess Patricia Club


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Princess Patricia Club

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The Princess Patricia Club of Moose Jaw was formed in October 1933 by Maudie Radcliffe Baylay and Nan Evans Buchbach. The original aim was to help young girls during the Depression. Assistance was given to numerous girls, but soon extended to needy families and the elderly.
The first executive elected were Maudie Radcliffe Baylay, president; Nan Evans Buchbach, vice-president; Verna Woods Forrest, secretary; and Dorothy Knox Gibson, treasurer.
Blue and silver were chosen as the club’s colours. Meetings were held weekly. A special project was undertaken once a month. The prime source of fund raising became the afternoon tea and bazaar. Other projects included charity balls, supper dances, tag days, gala Boxing Day dances and sales of roses and tulips.
In 1939 the Princess Patricia Club was invited to become the auxiliary to the 77th Battery Royal Canadian Artillery. During World War II, the Princess Patricia Club sent more than 2800 parcels to Battery personnel serving overseas. Funds raised were also spent on bursaries, nursing scholarships, milk for Britain campaign, children’s shelters, the elderly and the blind. In later years the Club supported many institutions and local agencies including the Union Hospital, Providence Hospital, St. Anthony’s Home, Pioneer Lodge, the Christmas Stocking Fund, and Easter boxes for shut-ins.
In 1999, after 66 years on a most distinguished record, the Princess Patricia Club, mostly because of a declining and aging membership disbanded. A final donation of the Club’s funds was made to the Foundation for the Moose Jaw Union Hospital.



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