Pasqua Hospital (Regina, Sask.)


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Pasqua Hospital (Regina, Sask.)

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The history of the Pasqua Hospital began in 1907 when the Sisters of Charity (Grey Nuns) of St. Boniface, Manitoba founded the Regina Grey Nuns' Hospital. By the late 1960's, the hospital was in need of extensive renovations; a task the Sisters hesitated to undertake. Various people and agencies were consulted regarding ways in which the Sisters could withdraw from the ownership and management of the hospital. It was decided that the hospital would become part of the South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre, and the Provincial Government officially purchased the hospital on 31 August 1972. The South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre Board of Governors assumed responsibility for operation of the hospital, and the name was changed to Pasqua Hospital on 1 September 1973. The creation of the Regina District Health Board (14 February 1992) and the Regina Health District (May 1993) resulted in the amalgamation of all Regina hospitals under the management of one administration and one Board. On 1 August 2002, the Regina Health District joined with the Touchwood Qu'Appelle and Pipestone health districts to form the Regina Qu'Appelle Regional Health Authority (est. 26 November 2002). The Pasqua Hospital is one of two provincial hoispitals in the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region. The following individuals have served as Administrator: Robert B. Sylvestre, MD (Acting, 1972-1974), Murray T. Martin (1976-1986), Bob Allen (Acting, 1986-ca. 1987), and Bernie J. McCallion (ca. 1987-ca. 1993).



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