Gus Kyle, New York Rangers player
- IHM.2021.0181
- Pièce
- [ca 1950]
Fait partie de Recreation Collection
Gus Kyle, back-catcher for the Regina Caps. He also played defense for the New York Islanders and Boston Bruins.
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Gus Kyle, New York Rangers player
Fait partie de Recreation Collection
Gus Kyle, back-catcher for the Regina Caps. He also played defense for the New York Islanders and Boston Bruins.
Fait partie de Recreation Collection
Enlarged baseball card of Pumpsie Green, the first is a headshot of him in his New York Mets uniform, the second is him catching a ground ball in his Red Sox gear.
Dry Goods Guide: What and Where to Buy
Fait partie de Businesses Collection
A buying guide for dry goods merchants and businesses.