Moxon, Arthur


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Moxon, Arthur

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Dr. Arthur Moxon was born in Truro, Nova Scotia in 1881. He received a B.A. degree from Dalhousie University in 1906. He then attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, earning both a B.A. in jurisprudence and a Bachelor of Common Laws degree. He was appointed Professor of Classics for the new University of Saskatchewan and moved to Saskatoon in 1909. Moxon was one of the original faculty members of the University of Saskatchewan. He became a Lecturer of Law in 1911 and was promoted to Professor of Law in 1913. He was Dean of the College of Law from 1919 to 1929. Moxon was named King’s Counsel in 1927. Moxon was with the law firm of McLean, Hollinrake and was Estates Manager of the National Trust Company before he became Dean of Law. He held many positions at the University and in community organizations. From 1934 to 1937, he served on the University Senate and, from 1937 to 1953, he was a member of the Board of Governors, serving as Chair for four of those years. In 1953, he received an honorary doctor of civil laws degree from the University of Saskatchewan. In 1961, the College of Law Alumni Association established a scholarship fund in his honour for post-graduate study. Moxon died in Saskatoon on June 12, 1963. At the time of his death, he was the University Solicitor.



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