Moose Jaw Community Centre Company


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Moose Jaw Community Centre Company

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The Moose Jaw Arena owned by the City of Moose Jaw burned to the ground on August 27, 1955. On September 9, 1955, Mayor L.H.Lewry, assisted by the City Commissionaire and City Council called a public meeting to consider the construction of a new rink.

The first committee elected were Alfred J. Wickens, chairman; Jack Day, vice-chairman; Allen H. Wilson, secretary; and Gordon McCartney, treasurer. They were incorporated as the Moose Jaw Community Centre Company on July 9th, 1956. The articles of incorporation directed this company “to act as a holding company on behalf of the citizens of Moose Jaw and district”. It was directed “to complete, equip, maintain, manage and operate a civic or community centre in Moose Jaw”. The financing for construction was acquired through public pledges. In a plebiscite, city voters authorized the raising of $200,000.00 through debentures toward the construction of the Centre. The contract for the Centre was let at $525,000.00 to Pigott Construction Company of Saskatoon. Architect was Joseph Pettick of Regina, and structural engineer was J.L. Miller of Vancouver.

The Moose Jaw Community Centre (Civic Centre) was officially opened on Sept. 19, 1959. Effective July 1st, 1970 the Moose Jaw Community Centre was no longer responsible for the operation of the Civic Centre. The agreement of May 25th, 1965 between the City of Moose Jaw, the Moose Jaw Community Centre Company and the Moose Jaw Exhibition Company was terminated on April 13, 1970. The Moose Jaw Civic Centre was to be operated by a City Council appointed board. All assets of the Moose Jaw Community Centre were transferred to the City of Moose Jaw.



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Interne structuren / genealogie

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Authority record identifier

Identificatiecode van de instelling

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Datering van aanmaak, herziening of verwijdering

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