Miller, James R.

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Miller, James R.

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James Rodger Miller earned his BA (1966), MA (1967) and PhD (1972) from the University of Toronto. His PhD thesis, “The Impact of the Jesuits’ Estates Act on Canadian Politics, 1888-1891,” was under the supervision of D.G. Creighton. He joined the University of Saskatchewan in 1970 as assistant professor history, and by 1979 had been promoted to full professor. In 2001 he was appointed Canada Research Chair in Native-Newcomer Relations. Dr. Miller is a nationally recognized historian and the author or editor of nine books and numerous articles in leading academic journals. Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens (1989), a history of Indian/white relations in Canada, was recognized as an 1993 outstanding North American book on the subject of human rights by the Gustavus Myers Centre for the study of Human Rights; Shingwauk's Vision, widely regarded as a seminal work on Native residential schools, was named the co-winner of the non-fiction category of the Saskatchewan Book Awards (1996) and winner of the J. W. Dafoe Prize for the book which best contributes to the understanding of Canada or its place in the world (1997). He was named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, was awarded the University of Saskatchewan Distinguished Researcher award, and received the SSHRC Gold Medal for Achievement, that agency’s highest honour. His current research centres on reconciliation for residential school survivors, and education for Aboriginal youth.


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